My 6 tips for Fitting Fitness into a Busy Life

In the whirlwind of modern life, juggling work, family, and health can feel like a circus act. But, as I’ve discovered, it’s not only possible to fit exercise into a hectic schedule, it can also be a lot of fun! Drawing from my own experiences and a sprinkle of wisdom from industry gurus, I’m excited to share how I keep fit while keeping up with life’s fast pace.

Maintaining friendships. Building a great company. Spending time w/family. Staying fit. Getting sleep. Pick 3.

~ Randi Zuckerberg

The Importance of Exercise:
We all know exercise is the secret sauce for mental sharpness and physical health. The American Heart Association suggests a hearty 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly, yet a CDC survey shows only 23% of us hit that mark. Clearly, we’re all in the same boat, trying to row with too few hours in the day.

My Personal Strategies:

  1. Work-Exercise Integration:
    • Taking a leaf out of Tim Ferriss’s “The 4-Hour Workweek,” I’ve turned my home office into a mini-gym. Picture this: peddling away on my Zwift, while diving into the latest on Salesforce+ or watching an on-demand webinar – it’s multitasking (multi-cycling?) with a fitness twist!
  2. Mindful Movement:
    • Embracing Robin Sharma’s “The 5 AM Club,” my day kicks off with a dog walk (although not yet at 5am!) that’s more zen than chore. It’s my ‘me time’ to soak in the morning vibes and prep for the day – a small step for fitness, a giant leap for mindset!
  3. Family Fitness:
    • Inspired by Stephen Covey’s wisdom, family time is also fitness time. On rainy days our living room transforms into a dance floor with Nintendo Switch sessions, proving workouts can provide family hilarity. Otherwise we are getting outside to kick a ball or ride bikes. I want to be a roll-model to my son, and one important part of that is showing him that exercise is an essential part of my life, and also something we can do together.
  4. Social Exercise at Work:
    • Channeling Laura Vanderkam’s ethos, I started a run club at work (which needs a New Year reboot!) It’s our way of mixing fitness with friendly banter – who knew networking could be so sweaty? Hit me up if you ever want to turn one of our meetings into a walk or run together, or want to join the A&C run club.
  5. Efficient Workouts:
    • On those jam-packed days, I rely on apps like FitBod for a quick fitness fix. It’s the espresso shot of exercise – short, sharp, and surprisingly effective.
  6. Social Sports:
    • Incorporating social elements into your fitness routine can enhance the experience. I play in a Wednesday night Futsal league and also love a cycle with fellow MAMIL’s for a weekend catch up with a half-way coffee up at Palm Beach. It’s a great way to combine exercise with social interaction, making your workout something to look forward to.

Challenges and Improvements:
This fitness journey is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m constantly scouting for new activities to keep the flame alive and haver been incorporating yoga and swimming recently. It’s about keeping it fresh and fun.

Call to Action:
I’m all ears for your fitness hacks! How do you weave exercise into your busy life? Drop your stories and strategies in the comments – let’s inspire each other.

Fitting fitness into a busy schedule is a blend of creativity, commitment, and a dash of humour. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage you to find your own rhythm in the fitness dance. Remember, it’s about making time, not having time. Here’s to laughing our way to a healthier life!

From Bermuda Sunsets to New Horizons: Reflections and Aspirations for 2024


As we gracefully step into the bright possibilities of 2024, it’s a time for reflection on the year that has passed. The journey through 2023 was not merely a sequence of events, but a rich tapestry woven with personal ambitions, professional shifts, and, most importantly, the unwavering love and support of my family.

My wife, Carmien, has been a beacon of guidance and support, her presence and wisdom illuminating the path through each challenge and triumph. Together with our son, and our two loyal dogs, Jock and Elsie, they form the essence of my motivation, the heartbeat of my ‘Why’, influencing every decision and aspiration.

As I cast my gaze towards the horizon of 2024, I’ve embarked on a unique endeavour – interviewing myself. This self-interview captures not only my reflections on 2023 but also my aspirations for 2024. Join me in this introspective journey, and I would be thrilled to hear your own reflections and goals.

Interview with Paul Dobinson

Q1: What was your favourite holiday or trip this year?
A1: “Our family road trip to Queensland was remarkable, filled with beautiful landscapes and quality time together. We loved being on the road in this amazing country. We are looking forward to many more adventures in “Robbo’, our Camper-Trailer. The holiday in Fiji stood out as well, offering a peaceful retreat where we could unwind and enjoy each other’s company.”

Q2: Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation this year?
A2: “My family has been my greatest source of inspiration, particularly my mother. Her resilience in facing health challenges while continuing to lead and support her church and community is truly inspiring. Her strength and perseverance have been a guiding light for me. She has continued to evolve, having been a Singer, a Maths Teacher, a Mother, an Educational Consultant, a University Lecturer and now, in ‘retirement’, a full-time pastor. I think this is in part what inspires my appetite to constantly develop, to learn and to grow. I am proud of adding 3 more Salesforce Certifications this last year to the 5 I already had.”

Q3: Were there any unexpected surprises or learning experiences this past year?
A3: “This past year I took on several opportunities to mentor people at different stages in their professional career. I also sought out mentors for myself. Returning to mentoring and coaching brought new perspectives and insights. Each session was a valuable exchange of knowledge and experience, providing growth opportunities not just for those I mentored, but also for myself. Each mentoring session, whether I was learning or teaching, wasn’t just about professional development but about building resilience and adaptability. I learned the importance of active listening – truly understanding the challenges and perspectives of others, a skill that proved invaluable both at work and at home.”

Q4: What advice would you give to someone based on lessons you learnt last year?
A4: “Approach life changes with an open mind and a willingness to embrace new challenges. Significant changes often require stepping out of your comfort zone, but the growth and learning that come from these experiences are invaluable. Finding harmony between our vibrant Sydney office and the quiet of home was an exercise in balance. It was about learning to switch hats, sometimes mid-sentence, from a professional to a parent. This dance between two worlds taught me not just about productivity, but about the importance of flexibility and the art of being present, regardless of the setting.”

Q5: How do you define success, and what were some of your biggest challenges and successes last year?
A5: “I define success as a balance between personal fulfilment, professional achievement, and the ability to contribute positively to others’ lives. One of the biggest challenges last year was adapting to the rapid changes in the tech industry, which required resilience and a commitment to continual learning. The leap from supporting just our MuleSoft Partners to the vast expanse of Salesforce C360 for Retail and Consumer Goods was more than a career transition; it was navigating through the tumultuous waters of a shifting economy. The rising tides of inflation and the focus on a heavily impacted Retail vertical demanded not just professional acumen, but required me to draw on my experience as both as Salesforce customer and partner to build an ecosystem ready to embrace the rapid pivot to AI and Data, and our developing product suite in Consumer Goods.

Lastly, our journey to become Australian Citizens marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, deeply meaningful one. It’s a transition that goes beyond legal formalities; it symbolises our wholehearted embrace of Australia, a land that has given us not just a home, but a community, a sense of belonging, and endless opportunities for growth and adventure. This momentous step signifies our love and commitment to a country that now holds a special place in our hearts, reflecting our gratitude and excitement to be part of its vibrant and diverse tapestry.”

Q6: Where do you see yourself and your family in the next five years?
A6: “In the next five years, I envision continued growth both personally and professionally. I hope to advance further in my career while ensuring that family remains at the core of my life. I also aim to maintain my involvement in sporting and community endeavours. I strive to continue to try to find the balance between exercise, work, family and play.”

Q7: What was the best sporting achievement of your year?
A7: “This year, my standout sporting achievement was reigniting my connection with soccer. Diving back into the game was more than just a physical endeavor; it was a rediscovery of an old passion, a deep love for the sport that has always been a part of me. The process was humbling – relearning techniques, embracing the team spirit, and experiencing the sheer joy of playing. It reminded me how sports, particularly soccer, are intertwined with my identity and well-being.

Apart from playing soccer, I’ve dedicated myself to maintaining a consistent routine of physical activity. This commitment goes beyond just keeping fit; it’s a fundamental aspect of my lifestyle that benefits both my physical and mental health. This discipline in sports echoes the sentiment of David Goggins: ‘You have to build calluses on your brain just like how you build calluses on your hands.’ For me, this translates into a philosophy where sports are not just a test of physical strength but a continuous challenge to mentally fortify myself, to push boundaries and to grow in all aspects of life.”

Q8: What was your creative highlight of the year?
A8: “My creative highlight this year was achieving a long-held ambition to write a short novel, culminating in the publication of ‘The Bermuda Sunset.’ This project was more than just a literary endeavour; it was a deeply personal journey that mentally transported me back to Bermuda, a place very dear to my heart. Writing this novel allowed me to reconnect with cherished memories and experiences from Bermuda, infusing the narrative with a sense of nostalgia and personal significance. Moreover, developing my website has been an integral part of this creative process. It serves not only as a platform to share the novel but also as an extension of my personal brand, reflecting my values and passions. Together, the book and the website represent my dedication to creativity and the fulfillment of a dream, while also offering a unique way to revisit and share the fondness I hold for Bermuda.”

Q9: What were your favourite book, TV show, movie, and sporting event of the year?
A9: “This year, ‘Never Finished’ by David Goggins really struck a chord with me. Goggins’ unfiltered account of overcoming life’s toughest challenges emphasises the relentless pursuit of personal growth, which I find incredibly motivating. ‘Drive’ by Daniel Pink also reshaped my understanding of motivation, highlighting the power of internal drives over external incentives.

In terms of TV, ‘Ted Lasso’ was a refreshing change. Its blend of humour and genuine warmth is a rare find. On a grittier note, ‘Dr. Death Season 2’ was compelling, delving into the dark side of the medical profession with a gripping narrative.

‘My film pick is ‘Ford vs Ferrari.’ It’s not just about racing; it’s a well-crafted story of determination and rivalry, brought to life by stellar performances.

As for sports, the Rugby World Cup was the highlight, no question. As a rugby enthusiast, I was captivated by the high-caliber matches. Although South Africa’s win was a bittersweet moment for me, given my wife’s roots, the event itself was a spectacular display of sportsmanship and skill.”

Q10: Looking ahead, what are your goals for 2024?
A10:“For the upcoming year, my goals revolve around three core pillars: physical well-being, mindfulness, and continuous growth. Firstly, I plan to maintain a consistent routine in physical training. This isn’t just about staying fit; it’s about discipline, resilience, and setting a standard of excellence in every aspect of life. Regular physical activity is a metaphor for life’s challenges – it teaches persistence, endurance, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Secondly, embracing the present moment is crucial for me. In a world that’s constantly rushing towards the next big thing, I want to ensure that I appreciate the ‘now’. This means being fully engaged with my family, savouring the small joys of everyday life, and being mindful in my professional endeavors. It’s about finding a balance between ambition and contentment.

Finally, the pursuit of ongoing personal and professional development is a journey without a finish line. I’m committed to learning new skills, expanding my knowledge base, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Whether it’s through reading, networking, or undertaking new projects, I see each day as an opportunity to grow a little more.

To sum up my approach to 2024, I’m reminded of a quote from my boss, Marc Benioff, who once said, ‘The business of business is improving the state of the world.’ This quote resonates deeply with my personal and professional ethos. It’s not just about personal success; it’s about making a positive impact on the world around us. As I stride into 2024, I carry this philosophy with me, aiming to not only achieve my own goals but also contribute positively to the lives of those around me.”


As this introspective journey concludes, I reflect on the lessons learned and the aspirations set for the coming year. The experiences and insights shared here are more than just personal milestones; they’re a testament to the continuous journey of growth and discovery. I hope this self-interview inspires you to reflect on your own journey, to cherish your triumphs and learn from your challenges.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and reflections. What were your defining moments of 2023? What are your ambitions for 2024? Let’s engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas and experiences. You can reach out to me on LinkedIn or comment below.

Let’s inspire and support each other as we embark on this new chapter.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Embracing Change and Growth on ‘Our Latin American Trip’

In July 2013, my wife and I embarked on an extraordinary journey that would not only take us across the vibrant landscapes of Latin America but also lead us through an introspective voyage of self-discovery. This year-long adventure was more than a break from our careers; it was a pivotal chapter in our life story, one that reshaped our identities and our outlook on the world.

The Decision to Explore:
Our journey began not with a destination, but with a shared longing for change and growth. We were driven by a desire to break free from the monotony of our daily routines and to immerse ourselves in experiences that would challenge our perceptions and beliefs. This yearning led us to plan an six-month sojourn across Latin America, which eventually blossomed into a full year of exploration.

Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down. Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. 

The Littlest Hobo

Embracing a Career Break:
Taking a career break was a leap of faith, filled with uncertainties and excitement. “We both have good reason to know that life is short,” and this realisation fuelled our decision. It was an opportunity to step out of our comfort zones, to learn new skills, and to gain a broader perspective on life and work. This time away from our careers taught us the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and the courage to pursue our passions.

Moments of Revelation:
In Rio de Janeiro, beneath the Christ the Redeemer statue, I felt a profound sense of smallness yet interconnectedness with the world.

This symbol of resilience and awe mirrored our own journey of discovery and wonder. Each destination, from the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires, brought its own unique lessons and insights.

Learning and Growing:
Our journey was a continuous process of learning and growing. We learned Spanish, not just as a language, but as a key to unlock the rich tapestry of Latin American cultures. We lived with local families, shared meals, and stories, understanding life from perspectives vastly different from our own. This immersion was not just about seeing new places; it was about experiencing life through a different lens.

Transformative Insights:

The journey profoundly impacted our priorities and perspectives, leading to a fundamental shift in how we view success and fulfilment. We learned to cherish experiences over material possessions, discovering that the richness of life doesn’t come from what we own, but from what we explore, the people we meet, and the memories we create.

The connections we forged with people from diverse backgrounds taught us the invaluable lesson that genuine relationships often trump the convenience of superficial interactions. We found joy in simple, shared moments – a laughter-filled meal with a local family, a spontaneous conversation on a long bus ride, or the shared awe of a breathtaking landscape.

“This old man was too old for backpacking. Plus I wanted to make my time useful, not purely hedonistic.”

This reflection encapsulates our desire to make the journey meaningful beyond the typical tourist experience. We sought to immerse ourselves in each community we visited, understanding their way of life and contributing in our small way, be it through language exchange, volunteering, or simply by being present and engaging sincerely with those we met. This approach to travel allowed us to gain more than just photographs; it gave us new perspectives and skills, enriching our lives in ways we hadn’t anticipated.

Upon returning, we found ourselves equipped with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of our place in the world. The journey had been more than a physical traverse across continents; it was an inner journey that challenged and expanded our worldviews. We returned not just with souvenirs, but with a new lens through which to view our careers, our relationships, and our future aspirations. The lessons learned and the growth experienced during this time continue to influence our decisions and our approach to life, reminding us always of the profound impact of embracing change and living in alignment with our deepest values.

Our Latin American adventure was more than a journey across continents; it was a journey into the depths of our souls. “We were truly on our way, no turning back.” It taught us to embrace change, to seek growth, and to live with an open heart and mind.

Call to Action:
Have you ever embarked on a journey that transformed you? I’d love to hear about your experiences and the personal revelations you encountered.

Share your stories in the comments below! And if you’re contemplating a life-changing journey, don’t forget to check out my previous blog post, “Taking a Career Break: 7 Tips to Maximise the Experience,” for insights and inspiration here.

Wine Not Whine: Charting a Resilient Path Through Life’s Varied Terrain

As the son of a Royal Naval Officer, I grew up surrounded by tales of resilience and fortitude. Yet, it wasn’t until I listened to my colleague Bill Sullivan’s presentation, “The Importance of Resilience: Lessons Learned on the Battlefield,” that I truly began to question the nature of my own resilience. This presentation, which can be found here, resonated deeply with me, prompting a reflection on my journey from the cozy streets of Plymouth to the global stages of advertising and tech sales.

It made me ponder: How have the lessons of resilience, often associated with the battlefield, manifested in my civilian life? How have my experiences, choices, and the paths I’ve taken demonstrated a resilience akin to that of my father’s naval legacy?

My father during his time with the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy

Life’s rich tapestry, woven with threads of challenge and opportunity, is a testament to the spirit of resilience. My journey, though markedly different from the military experiences of my father, has been a vivid example of this spirit. But resilience isn’t just my story; it’s a shared narrative of adaptation and growth, a journey of learning to turn “whine” into “wine.”

From Sports Psychology to Advertising and The Yellow Pages: A Journey of Adaptation

Facing redundancy was a pivotal moment in my career. Initially, joining The Yellow Pages was a necessity, primarily to pay the rent. However, this unexpected detour turned into a remarkable opportunity. The structured training and development I received, considered among the best in the business at the time, not only equipped me with invaluable skills but also set the foundation for my future success. It was a powerful lesson in embracing change and finding hidden opportunities in seemingly adverse situations.

Transitioning from a degree in sports psychology (after starting out studying mathematics) to working in advertising sales was a thrilling plunge into the unknown. Applying psychological principles in a new context demanded adaptability and a passion for learning. Each client interaction and brainstorming session became a lesson in resilience, shaping me into a more agile professional.

The Bermuda Transformation: Leading Digital Change

In Bermuda, I embarked on a mission to transform a legacy Yellow Pages company into a dynamic digital agency. This challenge involved not just technological change but also a significant shift in mindset for both the sales team and our clients.

Personal Anecdote: Leveraging my sales training background, I took sellers who had never sold digital products on a learning journey. I guided them through the nuances of digital sales, overcoming resistance to change by demonstrating the tangible benefits of new digital platforms. Similarly, I educated our customers about the value of engaging through new channels like web, video, and social media. This dual approach of educating both our team and our clients was instrumental in successfully navigating this digital transformation. It was a testament to the power of effective communication and the importance of guiding others through change.

The Return to Tech: Leveraging Past Experiences

Finding my way back to technology sales was a challenge that required patience and persistence. The digital transformation in advertising created an opportunity for me to leverage my sales experience and technological insight, turning a setback into a strategic advantage. Moving to Sydney in Australia gave me the opportunity to engage with global technology business and ultimately join Salesforce.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps: The MBA Journey

Pursuing an MBA was a strategic move to bridge the gap between my background and the evolving demands of the business world. This step equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the corporate world more effectively.

Me graduating with my MBA from the University of Leicester

Expert Insights and Personal Growth

Drawing inspiration from experts like Carol Dweck and Angela Duckworth (see below for links), I’ve learned that resilience is shaped by personal experiences and a growth mindset. Each career pivot, including the transformative journey in Bermuda, has been a lesson in grit, adaptability, and embracing a growth mindset.

A Toast to Resilience: Sharing Your Journey

Let’s celebrate the resilience within each of us. Embrace your unique challenges, expand your knowledge, and adapt with courage. Share your story and learn from others.

Discussion Point: How have you transformed challenges into opportunities in your career?

Carol Dweck

  1. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”
  2. Articles and Research Papers
    • Carol Dweck’s research papers can be found on academic databases. For a more general audience, her faculty page at Stanford University provides an overview and access to some of her work: Carol Dweck’s Stanford Faculty Page

Angela Duckworth

  1. “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”
  2. TED Talk: “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”
  3. Articles and Research Papers
    • Angela Duckworth’s research papers are also available on academic databases. Her faculty page at the University of Pennsylvania provides an overview and links to some of her publications: Angela Duckworth’s UPenn Faculty Page

Navigating Year-End Burnout: Corporate Wisdom and Personal Well-being

As the holiday season approaches, bringing a blend of festive cheer and year-end deadlines, the risk of burnout looms large. This period, while joyous, can strain our mental and physical health with its unique mix of professional pressures and social obligations. Drawing from corporate strategies and wellness practices, as well as insights from my previous articles, we can find a balance to thrive during this bustling time.

Understanding Burnout and Corporate Responses

Burnout is more than just tiredness; it’s a profound state of exhaustion affecting our joy and productivity. Signs include persistent fatigue, irritability, and a feeling of inefficacy. Companies like Shopify, Allianz, and Citigroup have adopted innovative strategies like ‘No Meeting Wednesdays’ and ‘Zoom-free Fridays’ to combat workplace stress, leading to improved staff morale and productivity.

Personal Strategies for the Holidays

Inspired by these corporate strategies, here are some personal approaches to navigate the holiday season:

  1. Designated Quiet Times: Embrace silent periods in the morning for meditation and reflection, akin to Allianz’s silent mornings.
  2. Digital Detox: Limit digital communication outside work hours, inspired by Citigroup and HSBC, to set healthy boundaries.
  3. Scheduled Downtime: Allocate specific days for no work-related activities, fostering creativity and relaxation.
  4. Taking Time Off: Use your holiday time to disconnect from work, recharge, and engage in joyous activities.

Lessons from My Writings

In my article, “Striking Harmony: The Pursuit of Work-Life Balance and Career Fulfilment,” I discuss the importance of balance and self-reflection in managing career tradeoffs. Another piece, “Escape the Meeting Trap: 3 Tips to Revolutionise Your Workday,” highlights efficient time management and the benefits of reducing unnecessary meetings.

Applying Corporate Lessons to Personal Life

The festive season is an opportune time to apply these lessons. Recognising the signs of burnout, setting boundaries, and prioritising well-being can ensure a fulfilling holiday period. It’s not just about enduring the rush; it’s about thriving and rejuvenating for the year ahead.


Remember, the greatest gift you can give yourself this season is well-being. By combining corporate wisdom and personal wellness practices, we can effectively navigate year-end burnout and emerge stronger and more fulfilled. Happy holidays, and here’s to a rejuvenated you in the New Year!

Peak Performance Playbook: Mastering Success in Sports & Sales

Introduction: A Global Playbook

While discussing the fascinating world of tech sales and sports psychology last night, I realized the global relevance of these disciplines. Across continents, from the rugby fields of Australia to the bustling tech hubs worldwide, the psychological principles driving success in both realms are strikingly similar. This blog aims to delve deeper into why these strategies are effective in both sports and sales, drawing parallels with popular sales methodologies.

Unpacking the Psychology: A Universal Game Plan

1. The Psychology of Goal Setting

In sports psychology, goal setting is fundamental. Athletes set specific, measurable, and time-bound goals, much like setting up a play on a rugby field. In sales, this translates to setting clear targets, like sales quotas. The underlying principle is the same: setting clear objectives focuses effort and enhances motivation, a concept supported by theories like Locke and Latham’s Goal Setting Theory in psychology.

2. Performance Under Pressure

Athletes train to perform under high-pressure situations, a skill that is incredibly relevant in sales. When closing a deal or during a high-stakes negotiation, sales professionals utilize similar techniques to remain calm and focused. This crossover is grounded in cognitive-behavioral strategies, where managing stress and anxiety is crucial for optimal performance.

3. Team Dynamics and Collaboration

Both fields emphasize the importance of teamwork and effective communication. In team sports, understanding and playing to each member’s strengths is key to success. Similarly, in sales, leveraging the strengths of each team member can lead to better outcomes. This aligns with social psychological principles that emphasize the importance of group dynamics and collective efficacy.

4. Resilience and Coping with Rejection

Dealing with loss or rejection is central to sports psychology. Athletes learn to cope with defeat and use it as a learning opportunity. Sales professionals also face rejection and must develop resilience. This aspect of sports psychology is supported by concepts like psychological hardiness and growth mindset, which are equally applicable in sales.

Sales Methodologies: The Sports Connection

1. SPIN Selling: A Strategic Play

SPIN Selling’s stages (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff) can be likened to a strategic play in a sports game. Each stage requires understanding the ‘field’ (or market), identifying problems (or weaknesses in the opponent), and creating a strategy for success. This methodology reflects strategic thinking and problem-solving skills emphasized in both fields.

2. MEDDIC: The Team Formation

In MEDDIC, understanding the customer (Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion) is akin to a coach understanding each player’s role in a game. Identifying a ‘Champion’ in the customer’s organization is like recognizing a key player in a sports team whose strengths can be leveraged for victory.

Conclusion: A Cross-Continental Strategy for Success

Understanding the parallels between sports psychology and sales methodologies provides a rich perspective on how psychological principles apply universally. Whether it’s on the sports field or in the sales arena, the strategies for success are surprisingly similar. This realisation not only highlights the interconnectedness of these disciplines but also offers a valuable playbook for achieving peak performance in any field.

Side note

In the competitive worlds of technology and sports, success often hinges on similar principles, albeit articulated with varying degrees of refinement. While tech gurus like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Marc Benioff often cloak their wisdom in polished, corporate-speak, sports coaches tend to deliver their insights with a bit more grit and less gloss. But don’t let the different dressings fool you; beneath the surface, these titans of tech and masters of the playing field share remarkably similar philosophies. Here’s a playful pairing of quotes from both realms that highlight their shared wisdom, despite the contrasting styles in their delivery:

Perseverance and Continuous Effort:

  • Tech: “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs.
  • Sports: “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.” – George Halas.

Importance of Learning and Adapting:

  • Tech: “Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent.” – Bill Gates.
  • Sports: “Adversity is an opportunity for heroism.” – Marv Levy.

Focusing on What Matters:

  • Tech: “Realise that you won’t be able to bring the same focus to everything in the beginning.” – Marc Benioff.
  • Sports: “If you’re going to have a team of role players, then you better have a team of players who truly understand their roles.” – Steve Kerr.

Learning from Failure:

  • Tech: “It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates.
  • Sports: “Failures are expected by losers, ignored by winners.” – Joe Gibbs.

Effort and Work Ethics:

  • Tech: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs.
  • Sports: “Do your job.” – Bill Belichick.

Whether it’s in the boardroom or on the field, these quotes illustrate that success comes down to a few universal truths, regardless of how they’re packaged!

The Playbook of Leadership: Coaching for Empathy, Growth, and Excellence

In the competitive arena of business, akin to a high-stakes game, a thought-provoking question was raised among us at Salesforce: What truly separates a manager from a leader?

This question goes beyond mere semantics; it’s a deep dive into the core of organisational influence and the growth of our professional selves. Reflecting on this, it’s evident that the most impactful leaders in my career journey have excelled not just in their ability to manage but in their innate capacity for true leadership—much like a seasoned coach who doesn’t just call the plays but inspires the team to greatness.

Leadership: The Coach of the Corporate Field

In the world of sports, as in business, leadership is less about holding a title and more about the ability to rally a team towards a common goal. It’s about coaching a diverse group of players to perform harmoniously, each bringing their unique strengths to the game.

Empathy: The Team’s Cohesion Force

Empathy in leadership is like the unspoken bond in a well-oiled team. It’s the coach’s ability to understand each player’s strengths and weaknesses, aspirations, and fears. This emotional intelligence fosters a team spirit that can weather losses and celebrate victories together. It’s about creating a locker room where every player knows they are an integral part of the team’s success.

Visionary Insight: The Game Plan for Success

A great coach always has a game plan, a vision for how to win not just the game but the season. This strategic foresight involves recognizing talent, anticipating challenges, and seizing opportunities. It’s about inspiring the team with a compelling vision of what they are working towards, much like a quarterback who can read the field and adjust the play accordingly.

Inspirational Influence: The Rallying Cry

The most memorable coaches are those who can deliver a rallying cry that resonates with every player, pushing them to dig deeper and reach higher. Inspirational influence is about igniting passion and commitment, much like a halftime speech that turns the tide of the game.

Courageous Authenticity: Playing with Heart

Authenticity in leadership is about being the coach who leads by example, who plays with heart, and isn’t afraid to take the tough calls. It’s about showing up, being present, and leading with integrity, whether the team is facing a winning streak or a losing battle.

Adaptive Resilience: The Comeback Strategy

Resilience is key in sports and business alike. It’s the coach’s ability to adapt the strategy mid-game, to help the team bounce back from setbacks. This resilience is what builds a team’s character and cements their legacy in the annals of the game.

Empowering Delegation: Building a Team of Leaders

Great coaches know they can’t play every position. They delegate, empowering players to take ownership of their roles, make calls, and lead on the field. This delegation builds a team of leaders who can operate seamlessly, even when the coach isn’t calling the shots.

Continuous Learning: The Pursuit of Mastery

The best coaches are lifelong students of the game. They instill this love for learning in their players, always analyzing plays, refining skills, and studying the competition. This commitment to continuous improvement keeps the team competitive and at the forefront of the game.

Active Listening: The Strategy Huddle

Active listening is the coach’s tool for understanding the needs of the team. It’s about listening to the players in the huddle, taking in their on-the-ground insights, and adjusting the game plan accordingly. This two-way communication is crucial for adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the game.

Constant Striving: The Championship Mindset

Finally, the drive for excellence is what separates the good from the great. It’s the coach’s relentless pursuit of the championship mindset, setting the bar high and challenging the team to leap over it. It’s about fostering a culture where good enough is never enough when greatness is within reach.

In the grand scheme of things, the essence of leadership is not captured in the scoreboards or trophy cases but in the growth of the team, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the pursuit of excellence at every turn. As we navigate the corporate field, let’s draw inspiration from the great coaches and players who remind us that leadership is about bringing out the best in everyone, playing with purpose, and, above all, uniting to achieve a common goal.

5 Proven Strategies to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market: Insights from Motivational Psychology

In the current economic landscape, we’re witnessing a unique confluence of factors: soaring inflation rates, escalating interest rates, and record low unemployment levels. These dynamics aren’t just numbers on a chart; they have real-world implications for professionals across the board. With the cost of living on the rise due to inflation, many are feeling the pinch and looking for ways to increase their income. The low unemployment rate, whilst a positive sign of economic health, also indicates a saturated job market where every open position might have multiple qualified candidates. Additionally, as interest rates climb, individuals may be re-evaluating their financial stability and long-term goals, prompting a reconsideration of their current job roles.

Given these circumstances, it’s no surprise that many are seeking to progress in their careers, not just for personal fulfilment but also as a strategic move to navigate these economic challenges. So, how can one truly stand out and make a lasting impression in such a competitive environment? Drawing from the latest findings in motivation, goal setting, and motivational psychology, here are five strategies to help you differentiate yourself and progress in your career:

  1. Set Clear and Specific Goals
    • Why it works: Research has consistently shown that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance than setting easy or vague goals. When you know exactly what you want, you can direct your efforts more efficiently.
    • How to apply it: Instead of saying, “I want a better job,” specify what that looks like for you. For instance, “I want a managerial position in a tech company within the next two years.”
  2. Adopt a Growth Mindset
    • Why it works: Dr Carol Dweck’s research on mindsets reveals that individuals with a growth mindset – those who believe abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – are more resilient and adaptable to challenges.
    • How to apply it: Embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities to learn. When faced with criticism, instead of getting defensive, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”
  3. Continuous Learning and Skill Development
    • Why it works: The world is constantly evolving, and so are job requirements. By continually updating your skills, you not only stay relevant but also demonstrate a commitment to your profession.
    • How to apply it: Enrol in online courses, attend workshops, or even seek mentorship in areas you wish to improve. Showcase these learnings on your CV and during interviews.
  4. Build Authentic Relationships
    • Why it works: Networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about building genuine relationships. Authentic connections can lead to job referrals, collaborations, and opportunities that you might not find on job boards.
    • How to apply it: Attend industry events, join professional groups, or even start your own meetup. Remember, the goal is to build meaningful relationships, not just hand out business cards.
  5. Showcase Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
    • Why it works: In a sea of applicants, your UVP is what sets you apart. It’s the unique combination of skills, experiences, and perspectives that you bring to the table.
    • How to apply it: Reflect on what makes you different from others in your field. Maybe it’s your diverse background, your approach to problem-solving, or a unique skill set. Highlight this in your CV, cover letter, and interviews.

In conclusion, the current economic situation underscores the importance of being proactive in our career trajectories. By integrating these strategies into your career development plan, you’ll not only differentiate yourself in a competitive job market but also position yourself to better weather economic uncertainties. Remember, it’s not just about landing a job; it’s about building a resilient and fulfilling career in a rapidly changing world.

From the Rugby Field to the Boardroom: Rebuilding and Winning in Technology Sales

(Alternative title: Looking for silver linings in the clouds).


As a devoted England fan, I couldn’t help but feel the rollercoaster of emotions during the recent Rugby World Cup semi-final between England and South Africa. A day later, I’m still coming to terms with the result, but I find solace in the valuable lessons it can teach us about resilience, adaptability, and leadership, which I believe are crucial not only for future rugby success but also in my world of technology sales.

Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Watching England’s performance in the semi-final, it was clear that setbacks are part and parcel of any game, just as they are in business. Regardless of the outcome, the ability to bounce back and learn from adversity is crucial. In the world of technology sales, where the market can be as unpredictable as a rugby match, I draw inspiration from Angela Duckworth’s book “Grit,” which highlights how perseverance and resilience play a pivotal role in achieving long-term goals.

Adaptability: Changing Strategies on the Fly

One of the most intriguing aspects of the game was South Africa’s strategic substitution of their fly-half, Handre Pollard. This move underscored the importance of adaptability, which resonates deeply in the world of technology sales. Just as a rugby team needs to change tactics to secure victory, technology sales teams often find themselves needing to pivot quickly to respond to changing client needs and market dynamics. For a deeper understanding, I recommend reading Carol Dweck’s “Mindset,” which emphasizes the value of a growth mindset in adapting to new challenges and evolving circumstances.

Leadership: The Owen Farrell Effect

Owen Farrell’s decision to attempt a game-changing drop goal was a defining moment in the match. It showcased the significance of leadership, especially in high-pressure situations. In technology sales, leadership is just as critical. Being the captain of your team, making crucial decisions under pressure, and inspiring others to perform at their best are pivotal to success. For an in-depth exploration, Simon Sinek’s “Leaders Eat Last” is an excellent read, underlining the role of leaders in making critical choices for the team’s success.

Team Collaboration: The Power of Working Together

Collaboration and teamwork were at the heart of both teams’ performances in the semi-final. These principles mirror the essence of technology sales, where effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for achieving shared goals and ensuring the success of complex projects. For a deeper understanding of teamwork dynamics, I recommend reading Patrick Lencioni’s “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” which serves as my compass, reminding me of the power of collaboration and trust within a team.

Goal Setting and Motivation: The Road to Success

The Rugby World Cup is a testament to the power of goal setting and motivation. Setting clear objectives can drive motivation and success. In technology sales, setting specific and challenging goals is key to motivating myself and my team to excel. For a deeper dive into goal-setting theory, I suggest exploring Edwin A. Locke’s work on the subject, which mirrors my belief in the importance of setting ambitious objectives to inspire outstanding performance.

Conclusion: Transforming Business with Sporting Wisdom

As I reflect on the Rugby World Cup semi-final and come to terms with the result, I’m reminded that success in both sports and technology sales is about more than just the final score. It’s about the journey, the lessons learned, and the continuous pursuit of improvement.

Just as England will bounce back, learn from their experiences, and strive for future victories, I, too, am committed to applying these sporting lessons to my career in technology sales. By embracing resilience, adaptability, leadership, teamwork, and the power of clear goals, I am determined to rebuild and win in the ever-evolving landscape of technology sales.

Let the lessons from the rugby field inspire you to face challenges head-on, adapt to the changing landscape, and lead your team to success in technology sales. Just as in rugby, we may not always win, but with the right mindset and a resilient spirit, victory is achievable, and success is within reach.

Triumph Beyond Rankings: The Business Symphony of Experience and Resilience

South Africa celebrating victory. Source:

This weekend’s Quarter Final clashes in the Rugby World Cup, featuring the formidable rugby powerhouses Ireland and New Zealand, alongside the gripping duel between France and South Africa, went beyond delivering mere thrills for fervent fans. It was a spectacle that unravelled a profound lesson, one extending far beyond the confines of the rugby field — a lesson resounding in the boardrooms and sales arenas: the pivotal importance of experience and resilience when navigating high-pressure situations.

As the rugby world witnessed the top-ranked teams succumb to their challengers, the undercurrent of this spectacle reveals a narrative often overlooked in the business world. The defeats of Ireland and France, despite their global standing, underscore the reality that the current form is not always the sole determinant of success. Much like in business, where market trends and individual performance metrics may fluctuate, the ability to rise above temporary setbacks requires a deeper well of experience.

The Scientific Symphony of Sports Psychology

Numerous studies in sports psychology validate the idea that experience and past success play pivotal roles in high-pressure situations. Dr. Sian Beilock, a cognitive scientist, in her book Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To, explores how performance under pressure is deeply linked to the brain’s ability to process information. In essence, individuals with a wealth of experience have honed their cognitive responses, enabling them to navigate stressful situations more effectively.

Moreover, the concept of “resilience training” is gaining momentum in sports psychology. Athletes, much like sales professionals, encounter setbacks, rejection, and challenging moments. Those with a history of triumphs not only possess the skills needed to overcome obstacles but also the mental toughness to persist through adversity.

The Business Arena

In the sales and business arena, the parallels are striking. Individuals facing a momentary dip in performance can draw inspiration from the rugby upsets. Perhaps you’re not at the top of your game currently, but your past victories are a testament to your capabilities. Like a seasoned rugby team that has clinched World Cups, your prior successes have equipped you with the experience and resilience needed to weather storms.

In sales, where rejection can be a common challenge, the ability to draw on past accomplishments becomes a potent weapon. It’s not just about current numbers; it’s about the journey you’ve traversed and the skills you’ve cultivated. Your metaphorical World Cups — those moments of triumph and achievement — act as a reservoir of strength when the scoreboard seems unfavourable.

Rising Above the Challenge

Embrace the challenge, for it is the crucible in which experience is forged into resilience. Reflect on your past victories, both big and small, and recognize the wealth of knowledge they represent. This is your playbook — a compendium of strategies and tactics that have led to success before.

Much like a seasoned rugby team bounces back from a defeat, your resilience in the face of setbacks will determine your trajectory. Tap into the mental reserves cultivated through experience, for they are the bedrock upon which you can build a path to triumph.

Here are some specific tips for using your experience and resilience to succeed in business:

  • Analyze your past successes and failures. What went well? What could have been improved? Learning from your experiences will help you make better decisions in the future.
  • Develop a growth mindset. Believe that you can learn and grow, even from setbacks. This mindset will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.
  • Build a strong support network. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you. They can offer encouragement and guidance when you need it most.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how small they may seem, take the time to acknowledge your successes. This will help you build confidence and stay motivated.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs along the way. But by embracing your experience and resilience, you can overcome any challenge and achieve your goals.


The recent rugby showdowns remind us that rankings and current form are but transient markers in the grand scheme of success. Business, like sports, is a journey filled with peaks and valleys. Your journey, with its highs and lows, is a mosaic of experiences that uniquely positions you to triumph over challenges. So, step onto the field of business with the confidence born from past victories, and let the symphony of your experience guide you to new heights.

Additional thoughts

In addition to the tips above, I would also recommend that you:

  • Be patient. It takes time to build experience and resilience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep working hard and learning from your mistakes.
  • Be persistent. There will be times when you want to give up. But don’t. Remember why you started and keep pushing forward.
  • Be positive. A positive attitude will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Even when things are tough, try to find the silver lining.

I believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in business. It all comes down to having the right mindset and being willing to put in the work. By embracing your experience and resilience, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

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