The Emotional Power of Giving Thanks in Business

In the fast-paced world of tech and business, we often find ourselves moving from one task to the next without taking a moment to reflect and appreciate. At Salesforce, a culture of gratitude is ingrained in our ethos, and we make it a point to say “Thank you” during our presentations and interactions. But how often do we say it with true sincerity? Today, let’s delve into the psychology of giving thanks and explore how a heartfelt “Thank you” can transform professional relationships and foster a thriving business environment.

The Psychological Impact of Gratitude

Research in psychology has consistently shown that gratitude has profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being. According to a study published in the journal Emotion, expressing gratitude can lead to increased feelings of happiness and decreased symptoms of depression. When we say “Thank you” and genuinely mean it, we not only boost our own mood but also positively impact the recipient.

Gratitude activates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine and serotonin—neurotransmitters that enhance our mood and promote a sense of well-being. This biological response underscores the power of a simple “Thank you” in fostering positive interactions and creating a supportive work environment.

Authenticity in Gratitude

At Salesforce, we emphasise the importance of sincerity when expressing gratitude. It’s not enough to go through the motions; our thankfulness must come from a genuine place. To ensure authenticity, consider the following tips:

  1. Be Specific: Instead of a generic “Thank you,” highlight specific actions or behaviours that you appreciate. For example, “Thank you for staying late last night to finalise the presentation. Your dedication really made a difference.”
  2. Show Empathy: Understand and acknowledge the effort or sacrifice someone has made. Empathy deepens the connection and makes your gratitude more meaningful.
  3. Personalize Your Message: Tailor your message to the individual. A personal touch, such as mentioning how their actions positively impacted you or the team, can make your gratitude feel more genuine.
  4. Express Gratitude Consistently: Make it a habit to recognise and appreciate the efforts of those around you regularly. Consistency in expressing gratitude helps build a culture of appreciation and mutual respect.

The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

In my recent blog post, From Good to Great: The Final Push for Excellence, I discussed the challenges of achieving the last mile of improvement in any endeavour. Gratitude plays a crucial role in this journey. By fostering a culture of appreciation, we can motivate our teams to strive for excellence. Acknowledging the hard work and contributions of others not only boosts morale but also encourages continued effort and innovation.

Similarly, in my post, Harnessing Grit in the Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon, I reflected on the importance of perseverance and support. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can strengthen the bonds within a team, helping everyone push through challenges together.

Leaders Who Show Gratitude

We’ve all worked for leaders and with colleagues who are great at showing gratitude, and those who aren’t. It’s remembered, and people love to work for a leader who shows gratitude and recognises their work. A leader who expresses genuine appreciation fosters loyalty and dedication among their team members. This positive reinforcement encourages employees to go the extra mile, knowing that their efforts are valued and acknowledged.

On the other hand, a lack of gratitude can lead to disengagement and dissatisfaction. When hard work goes unrecognised, it can create a toxic work environment where employees feel undervalued and unappreciated. This underscores the importance of gratitude not just as a nicety, but as a crucial component of effective leadership.

Peer-Led Insights on Gratitude

The field of psychology and business management often emphasise the transformative power of gratitude. According to Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher, gratitude has the ability to heal, energise, and change lives. Emmons’ work highlights how gratitude can improve our physical health, enhance our psychological well-being, and strengthen our relationships.

In the business context, leaders like Tony Robbins and Simon Sinek advocate for the integration of gratitude into corporate culture. Sinek, in particular, emphasizes the importance of leaders expressing genuine appreciation for their team’s efforts, noting that it fosters trust and loyalty.


The power of “Thank you” lies in its ability to uplift, connect, and inspire. At Salesforce, we are fortunate to be part of a culture that values appreciation and recognizes the impact of sincere gratitude. By incorporating specific, empathetic, and consistent expressions of thanks into our daily interactions, we can build stronger, more resilient teams and drive our business to new heights.

So, the next time you say “Thank you,” pause for a moment and make it count. Your words have the power to transform, and in the world of tech and business, that can make all the difference.

By embracing the psychology of gratitude and making it an integral part of our professional interactions, we can create a more positive and productive workplace. Let’s continue to harness this power and lead by example, one sincere “Thank you” at a time.

For more insights on achieving excellence and fostering growth, check out my posts From Good to Great: The Final Push for Excellence and Harnessing Grit in the Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon on

From Good to Great: The Final Push for Excellence

As the football season in the UK comes to a close, there’s much to reflect upon, particularly for Arsenal fans. Mikel Arteta has taken the club on an incredible journey, transforming a team once out of European competition to one that has come agonisingly close to winning the Premier League two years in a row. This transition from good to great, however, underscores a universal truth in both sports and business: that final step to excellence is often the hardest.

In the world of sports, the concept of achieving greatness through marginal gains has been exemplified by the South African rugby team under Rassie Erasmus. Leading the team to back-to-back World Cup victories, Erasmus focused on a holistic approach to improvement, emphasising not just physical prowess but also strategic planning, mental conditioning, and unity. The Springboks’ success is a testament to the power of detailed preparation and incremental improvements.

Scientific research supports the effectiveness of this approach. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that small, continuous improvements can lead to significant performance enhancements over time (Baer & Frese, 2003). This principle, known as “kaizen,” has been successfully applied in various industries to drive sustained success.

For Arsenal, the journey under Arteta has been marked by steady improvement. The team has shown resilience, skill, and a tactical acumen that has brought them to the cusp of glory. However, as they have learned, the final step to becoming champions is the toughest. It requires not just talent and hard work but also the ability to find those marginal gains that can make the difference.

In business, just like in sports, transitioning from good to great involves a relentless focus on improvement. It requires a culture that embraces continuous learning and innovation. Here are a few lessons from Arsenal’s journey and the success of the South African rugby team that can be applied to the business world:

  1. Attention to Detail: Success often lies in the details. Just as Erasmus scrutinised every aspect of the game, businesses must analyse their processes and identify areas for improvement, no matter how small.
  2. Strategic Planning: South Africa’s victories were built on meticulous planning and strategy. Similarly, businesses need to develop clear, strategic plans that align with their long-term goals, ensuring every action contributes to overall success.
  3. Focus on Team Cohesion: A cohesive team can achieve extraordinary results. Building a strong, collaborative culture within an organisation is crucial. This involves clear communication, trust, and a shared vision of success.
  4. Continuous Improvement: The journey to greatness is ongoing. Just as athletes continually train and refine their skills, businesses must foster an environment of continuous improvement. This can be achieved through regular training, feedback loops, and embracing a growth mindset.
  5. Resilience and Adaptability: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances is vital. Arsenal’s near-misses and South Africa’s rugby triumphs are a testament to the importance of resilience. In business, being able to pivot and adapt to market changes is a key component of long-term success.

In my recent blog post, “Harnessing Grit in the Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon,” I discussed the importance of perseverance and adaptability in achieving personal and professional growth. The lessons from that experience are mirrored in the journey of sports teams striving for excellence.

Takeaways for Individuals and Teams

  1. Leadership: Effective leadership is crucial in guiding teams towards greatness. Leaders must inspire, motivate, and create an environment where continuous improvement is valued.
  2. Personal Accountability: Every team member must take responsibility for their own growth and contribution. This involves a commitment to self-improvement and a proactive approach to learning.
  3. Collaborative Culture: Success is a collective effort. Encourage open communication, mutual support, and a shared vision to foster a strong team dynamic.

To anyone looking to become the best in their field, remember this: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier.

Let’s strive for excellence together. Share your tips for personal improvement in the comments below.

“The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma – Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life?

Robin Sharma’s “The 5 AM Club” weaves a fictional narrative to convey its self-help principles, featuring an entrepreneur and an artist guided by an eccentric billionaire to unlock the power of waking up early. This novel approach, both a strength and a weakness, makes it ideal for those seeking to enhance productivity and establish stronger daily routines.

The Story: Creative but Overstated

While the narrative is a creative way to present the book’s messages, it often teeters on the edge of being overly sentimental and unrealistic. The characters can feel more like caricatures designed to serve the book’s lessons rather than genuine people. Sharma’s frequent use of motivational quotes, while inspiring, sometimes detracts from the story’s authenticity, leading to a feeling of the book being more of a lecture than a story.

As the billionaire in the book puts it, “Own your morning. Elevate your life,” encapsulates the central theme but also highlights the sometimes preachy tone.

Practical Takeaways

The book’s appeal lies in its actionable advice, tailored for those looking to revolutionize their morning routines to gain a competitive edge in their personal and professional lives:

The 20/20/20 Formula:

  • 20 Minutes of Movement: “Exercise is as much a cognitive activity as a physical one.”
  • 20 Minutes of Reflection: “Reflection is to the soul as food is to the body.”
  • 20 Minutes of Learning: “To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.”

Habit Stacking:

    • Integrating new habits with existing ones can simplify the adoption of a morning routine.

    The Importance of Sleep:

      • The book underscores the necessity of sleep with the reminder, “Sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.”

      Digital Detox:

        • Reducing electronic distractions can enhance sleep quality and focus, a point well-made but not heavily backed by cited research.

        Daily Gratitude:

          • “Gratitude is the single fastest way to increase your well-being.” This is a powerful reminder of the psychological benefits of gratitude.

          Scientific Backing

          The book occasionally references psychological and physiological benefits supported by research, though these mentions are sparse. Including more scientific backing could strengthen the credibility of Sharma’s claims and provide readers with a more grounded understanding of why these practices work.

          Final Thoughts

          “The 5 AM Club” is an inspirational guide packed with practical advice for those looking to improve their mornings and, by extension, their lives. While the narrative might be too embellished for some, the core principles are universally beneficial. I’m considering testing out the 5 AM routine myself and would appreciate hearing from others who have tried it. What are the tangible benefits or drawbacks you’ve noticed? Whether you fully commit to the club or just integrate parts of the philosophy, Sharma’s strategies are likely to spark positive changes.

          Harnessing GRIT in the Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon

          “GRIT is that indomitable spirit that pushes you to stand up one more time than you’ve been knocked down. It’s not just about enduring but about charging forward despite the obstacles.”

          Dr. Jim Taylor

          In a follow-up to my reflections on resilience in the worlds of marathons and business, my completion of the Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon has deepened my insights into GRIT—perseverance and passion for long-term goals. This vital aspect of sports psychology is crucial for thriving in the unpredictable realms of our professional lives.

          Contextualising the Challenge:
          During my preparation for the race, a series of expected and unexpected challenges—including a family trip to the UK, managing a minor injury, engaging in weekly football matches, and fulfilling family commitments—significantly curtailed my training schedule. These factors thrust me into an environment of unfamiliarity and discomfort, providing a ripe setting to test and strengthen my GRIT.

          Defining GRIT:
          Angela Duckworth, in her seminal book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” describes GRIT as the combination of passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards. This concept proves particularly relevant when the finish line seems distant and the path forward uncertain.

          Actionable Tips for Cultivating GRIT:

          1. Set Clear Long-Term Goals: Just as marathon training plans are designed around specific race days, setting clear business objectives provides a roadmap for sustained effort.
          2. Embrace Challenges: Like incorporating hill runs to build endurance, tackle challenging projects that stretch your capabilities.
          3. Maintain Interest: Find ways to keep the tasks at hand engaging. In business, this could mean diversifying your skills or finding new angles to approach routine tasks.
          4. Learn from Feedback: Regularly review your performance, seeking constructive criticism as a marathoner would adjust their training based on past race times and current fitness levels. I love diving into Strava and analysing my stats.

          Parallel with Business Growth:
          The last 5 kilometres of the half-marathon symbolised the final stages of a major business project—both requiring a deep reservoir of GRIT. Leaders in business can view these moments as opportunities for significant personal and professional growth, analogous to the way athletes see competitions as moments to surpass their previous limits.

          The Sydney Hoka Runaway Half Marathon wasn’t merely a physical challenge; it was an experiential metaphor for the journey many of us undertake in our careers. It underscored the power of GRIT, essential for navigating the business landscape with its myriad challenges and opportunities.

          I invite you to reflect on your own experiences where GRIT has played a role in overcoming obstacles. How can we apply these lessons more broadly to achieve our professional objectives? Share your stories on cultivating resilience and determination.

          Chicken-Fried Values & Salesforce – Striking the Right Chords

          Happy Friday, everyone!

          As the author Richard Nelson Bolles once said, “Always remember that Fridays are the golden clasp that binds the volume of the week.”

          For those familiar with my playlist, you know my passion for country music runs deep. Currently, “Chicken Fried” by Zac Brown Band is getting the most plays (check it out below if you don’t know it).

          There’s something irresistibly appealing about its down-home charm and celebration of life’s simple pleasures. Today, let’s explore how this catchy tune not only echoes the straightforward joys of everyday life but also aligns with the core values we uphold at Salesforce.

          1. Trust and Simplicity

          “You know I like my chicken fried / A cold beer on a Friday night” – these lyrics highlight the beauty of simplicity and authenticity, qualities that Salesforce embodies in our approach to building trust. Through our detailed availability reports available on our Trust website, Salesforce ensures crystal-clear operations, fostering an environment where trust isn’t just a policy, but a practice as comforting and reliable as a meal from your own kitchen. This commitment helps us maintain transparency at every level, ensuring that all stakeholders understand and align with our practices.”

          2. Customer Success and Community

          The song’s chorus, “And it’s funny how it’s the little things in life that mean the most,” captures our approach to customer success and community engagement. Through initiatives like Salesforce Trailhead, we empower users with the tools they need to succeed, enhancing our community’s strength and cohesion by focusing on individual growth and success within our ecosystem.

          3. Innovation and Work-Life Balance

          The lyrics, “I thank God for my life, and for the stars and stripes / May freedom forever fly, let it ring,” remind us to value personal freedoms and creative liberty. Salesforce’s V2MOM process helps each team member align their personal values with the company’s goals, promoting an environment where innovation is nurtured through well-balanced work-life dynamics.


          While “Chicken Fried” might initially seem like a simple country song, it deeply mirrors the values we strive to embody at Salesforce—trust, community engagement, and innovative spirit, all rooted in the genuine joys of life. As we navigate the complexities of the tech industry, these principles guide our actions and decisions, ensuring our professional endeavours are as fulfilling as our personal moments.

          As we wrap up another productive week, take a moment to reflect on how you can bring these values into your roles and projects. And tonight, why not celebrate with a cold beer or two, just as the song suggests? Here’s to enjoying the simple pleasures as much as the grand achievements.

          Bulls-Eye: Eight Business Lessons from The Last Dance

          In the realm of sports documentaries, the saga of the Chicago Bulls’ final championship run stands as a beacon for understanding the intricacies of team success, leadership, and the dynamics of building a winning culture. This journey, while significantly buoyed by the presence of basketball legend Michael Jordan, offers profound insights that transcend the sheer magnitude of his talent. As we dissect the fabric of this team’s achievements, let’s explore the nuanced lessons that extend far beyond the hardwood.

          1. Leadership: Striking the Right Balance
            • Michael Jordan’s leadership, underscored by his famous assertion that “Leadership has a price,” exemplifies the sacrifices and demands of being at the helm. Yet, his intense approach, as depicted in the Chicago Bulls documentary, opens a dialogue on the balance between demanding excellence and fostering team morale. True leadership is about inspiring and guiding with a blend of determination and empathy, ensuring the team’s spirit remains unbroken.
          2. Vision and Goals: The Heartbeat of Success
            • Phil Jackson’s role as the ‘Zen Master’ in sculpting a unified vision was pivotal. The Bulls’ unwavering pursuit of an NBA championship underlines the strength of a collective goal. Creating and sustaining this shared vision requires clear communication, where each member sees their role in the tapestry of the team’s dream, and regular reaffirmations of this shared objective to navigate through the ebbs and flows of a season.
          3. Embracing Roles: The Essence of Teamwork
            • Acknowledging the diversity of roles within a team, as Scottie Pippen and others did, is crucial for harmony and effectiveness. This acknowledgment extends to fostering an environment where each individual’s strengths are recognised and nurtured, making every role not just understood but celebrated for its unique contribution to the team’s success.
          4. The Fabric of Resilience
            • The collective resilience of the Bulls, forged through adversity and shared challenges, exemplifies the strength of unity. Building such resilience involves creating a culture where support, perseverance, and the celebration of both small and significant achievements are ingrained practices.
          5. Trust and Respect: The Foundation
            • Mutual trust and respect are the bedrock of any successful team, as evidenced by the Bulls’ dynamics. Maintaining this foundation requires continuous effort, fostering open communication, and ensuring a supportive environment where every team member feels valued.
          6. Innovation and Flexibility: Adapting to Win
            • Phil Jackson’s strategic adaptability, particularly with the triangle offence, underscores the importance of innovation and flexibility in achieving team success. Encouraging a culture where new ideas are welcome and strategies are adaptable to changing circumstances can be a game-changer.
          7. A Nurturing Environment: Beyond the Court
            • The Bulls’ management demonstrated the significance of a supportive environment, addressing both professional and personal well-being. Creating such an environment involves holistic support for team members, ensuring they feel heard, valued, and supported in all aspects of their lives.
          8. Hard Work and Team Synergy
            • The documentary reminds us that while individual talent like Jordan’s is invaluable, the synthesis of hard work, teamwork, and collective intelligence is what ultimately leads to championships. This synergy is the cornerstone of achieving greatness, beyond the capabilities of individual brilliance alone.

          As we reflect on the Chicago Bulls’ final season saga, it becomes clear that the lessons gleaned extend far into the realms of team building, leadership, and success in any context. These insights provide a roadmap for cultivating a culture of excellence, resilience, and unity. And while the journey to greatness may not include a Michael Jordan, the principles of dedication, adaptability, mutual respect, and shared vision are universally applicable. Thus, instead of pondering “What would MJ do?”, we might consider how we, as a team, can embody the values and practices that define true champions.

          Resilience Rhapsody: Navigating Tech and Sales with a Marathon Spirit

          I’ve just registered to run the Runaway Sydney Half Marathon on Sunday 5 May, 2024. This will be the second time I have run this race and I am well into double figures for times running this distance. My journey from the challenging streets of Bermuda to the Sydney Half Marathon offers a metaphor for the resilience required in my work domain in the ever-evolving tech and sales landscape. Drawing upon my experiences and insights shared previously on this blog, I aim to delve deeper into this parallel, showcasing the tangible benefits of a marathon mindset in our professional lives.

          Embracing Change with Agility

          In my role, especially within the dynamic Salesforce ecosystem, the ability to swiftly embrace new technologies and respond to evolving market trends is critical. This era, marked by the transformative potential of AI, presents an exhilarating opportunity to shape the discourse in this field. My journey with Salesforce, particularly with Einstein, a platform built on trust and openness, enabling seamless integration of any large language model, reflects the adaptability I honed during marathon training. Just as I adjusted my training approach in response to unforeseen weather or injuries, working with Salesforce’s AI solutions demands a flexible strategy to harness the full potential of AI, ensuring data security, and driving efficient business outcomes across various domains.

          Learning from Setbacks

          During my first half marathon in Bermuda, I encountered ‘the wall,’ a vivid embodiment of the unforeseen hurdles we face in our professional journeys. Misjudging the island’s climate and underpreparing for the race, I was ill-equipped for the challenge ahead. As fatigue set in, I found myself struggling significantly. In a moment of desperation, I focused on the steady pace of a fellow runner ahead, using their rhythm as a beacon to guide me through my weakest moment.

          This experience mirrors the obstacles we encounter in the business world. Just like hitting ‘the wall’ in a marathon, we often face daunting challenges that test our resilience and adaptability. The key to overcoming these business hurdles, much like in marathon running, lies in finding a reliable pace-setter or mentor who has navigated similar challenges. By aligning our strategies with their proven methods, we can navigate through tough times, drawing on collective wisdom and experience to push past our limitations and continue moving forward.

          The Power of Community

          In business, the concept of “The Power of Community” underscores the significance of resilience, team-building, and nurturing a positive culture. This approach emphasises collective strength and shared goals, where each member’s contribution is valued, and challenges are faced together. By fostering a supportive environment, organisations can enhance their adaptability and endurance in the face of adversity, leading to sustained growth and success. This communal resilience becomes a cornerstone for innovation, as teams with diverse perspectives collaborate closely, creating a breeding ground for creative solutions and breakthroughs.

          Cultivating Resilience

          Building resilience, much like marathon training, requires consistent effort and strategy. I learned during my studies in Sports Psychology how setting incremental goals plays a crucial role in this process. Just as athletes break down their training into manageable segments to improve performance and endurance, in business, setting short-term objectives can help teams maintain focus and momentum. This approach not only facilitates measurable progress but also fosters a sense of achievement and motivation, crucial for navigating through challenges and building a resilient organisational culture.

          Call to Action: Join the Race

          Drawing from my marathon experiences and professional journey, I invite you to embrace the marathon mindset in your tech and sales endeavours. Let’s set ambitious goals, face challenges with resilience, and support each other in our professional marathon.

          I encourage you to join me in the Sydney Half Marathon or any other run, embodying our commitment to resilience in every stride. Whether in our careers or on the marathon track, let’s pursue excellence together.

          How have you applied a marathon mindset in your career? Share your stories and strategies in the comments. Let’s inspire and learn from each other, building a community of resilient professionals ready to face any challenge.

          The Compounding Interest of Continuous Learning: A Million-Dollar Decision


          Imagine you’re on a game show, and the host, who’s definitely not wearing a sparkly suit, presents you with a choice. Option one: a suitcase stuffed with a million dollars, which could buy you a lifetime supply of avocado toast or, if you’re feeling fancy, a small island. Option two: a penny that doubles in value every day for a month.

          At first it seems like a no-brainer and many people will chose the million dollars. But, by day 31, that penny turns into a staggering $10,737,418.24! It’s like a financial Cinderella story, minus the glass slippers. This scenario, straight out of Daniel Pink’s ‘The Power of Regret’, isn’t just a cool party trick. It’s a vivid illustration of the power of compounding, as magical in finance as finding extra fries at the bottom of your takeout bag.

          But what if we applied this principle to learning and education? Imagine your brain as that penny, doubling in knowledge, skills, and possibly charm. How does this financial wizardry translate into a lifetime of learning? Let’s dive in, no calculator needed!

          Sports Psychology, MBA, and Sales: A Compounding Trilogy

          As I’ve chronicled before, my journey weaves together sports psychology and an MBA into a successful sales career. This blend shows how diverse skills, when combined, can revolutionise fields. The fusion of sports psychology and business principles, like teamwork and resilience, demonstrates their universal applicability.

          Cross-Application of Skills in Diverse Fields

          • Military to Corporate Leadership: Veterans transition into corporate roles, their leadership and strategic skills becoming invaluable in business settings.
          • Arts to Technology: Artists and musicians often excel in tech roles, bringing unique problem-solving skills. Their creative perspectives drive innovation in technology.
          • Teaching to Marketing: Educators moving into marketing bring invaluable skills in communication and audience engagement. They excel in devising compelling marketing strategies.

          Thought Leadership Insights

          Scott Adams talks about ‘skill stacking’, the idea of combining average skills to create a unique set. Success often stems from this unique combination rather than excellence in a single skill.

          “Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.”

          Angela Duckworth, in ‘Grit’, emphasises the power of passion and perseverance across different fields.

          “Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.”

          Carol Dweck discusses the ‘Growth Mindset’, highlighting the importance of embracing challenges and persisting in setbacks.

          “In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.”

          Salesforce and Continuous Learning: A Culture of Growth and Innovation

          At Salesforce, continuous learning is integral to our culture, embodied by our Trailhead platform. This innovative approach to professional development epitomises continuous growth.

          Trailhead: Gamifying the Learning Experience

          • Personalized Learning Paths: Trailhead’s tailored approach mirrors the compounding effect of knowledge.
          • Interactive Modules: Users actively apply information, reinforcing skills in real-world scenarios.
          • Gamification Elements: The platform’s motivating elements encourage continuous skill advancement.
          • Community and Collaboration: Trailhead fosters a collaborative learning environment, reflecting the workplace’s collaborative nature.

          Practical Application: Building a High-Performing Sales Team

          Applying principles from sports, like scouting talent and fostering teamwork, is akin to investing in that penny. These strategies create a resilient, adaptable, and high-performing sales team.


          So, there you stand at life’s crossroads, with a million-dollar question: Do you grab the million dollars, or do you bet on the humble penny that quietly multiplies in the background? While the million might scream instant gratification, the penny is the unsung hero of this story, symbolizing the extraordinary power and potential of continuous learning.

          Embarking on this journey isn’t just about making a choice; it’s about embracing a lifestyle. Here’s how you can dive in:

          • Leverage Learning Platforms: Think of platforms like Salesforce’s Trailhead, Coursera, or Khan Academy as your personal gym for the brain.
          • Set Small, Achievable Goals: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a well-rounded intellect. Set bite-sized goals – they’re like the breadcrumbs leading you through the forest of knowledge.
          • Apply Your Knowledge: Take your newfound skills for a test drive in the real world. It’s like learning to cook; you can’t just read the recipe – you have to get in the kitchen and make a few messes!
          • Stay Curious: Keep the flame of curiosity alive. Let your inquisitive nature lead you to new and exciting intellectual territories.
          • Reflect and Journal: Keep a diary of your learning adventures. It’s not just a log of your journey; it’s the map that shows how far you’ve come and guides where you’re heading next.

          As you start on this path, remember that your knowledge and skills have the potential to grow beyond your wildest dreams, much like our legendary penny. In the marketplace of life, continuous learning is the currency that never devalues. So go ahead, bet on yourself and your ability to learn and grow. After all, who needs a suitcase of cash when you’ve got a brain that can outgrow it?

          A Journey of Self-Discovery: Embracing Change and Growth on ‘Our Latin American Trip’

          In July 2013, my wife and I embarked on an extraordinary journey that would not only take us across the vibrant landscapes of Latin America but also lead us through an introspective voyage of self-discovery. This year-long adventure was more than a break from our careers; it was a pivotal chapter in our life story, one that reshaped our identities and our outlook on the world.

          The Decision to Explore:
          Our journey began not with a destination, but with a shared longing for change and growth. We were driven by a desire to break free from the monotony of our daily routines and to immerse ourselves in experiences that would challenge our perceptions and beliefs. This yearning led us to plan an six-month sojourn across Latin America, which eventually blossomed into a full year of exploration.

          Maybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down. Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on. 

          The Littlest Hobo

          Embracing a Career Break:
          Taking a career break was a leap of faith, filled with uncertainties and excitement. “We both have good reason to know that life is short,” and this realisation fuelled our decision. It was an opportunity to step out of our comfort zones, to learn new skills, and to gain a broader perspective on life and work. This time away from our careers taught us the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and the courage to pursue our passions.

          Moments of Revelation:
          In Rio de Janeiro, beneath the Christ the Redeemer statue, I felt a profound sense of smallness yet interconnectedness with the world.

          This symbol of resilience and awe mirrored our own journey of discovery and wonder. Each destination, from the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires, brought its own unique lessons and insights.

          Learning and Growing:
          Our journey was a continuous process of learning and growing. We learned Spanish, not just as a language, but as a key to unlock the rich tapestry of Latin American cultures. We lived with local families, shared meals, and stories, understanding life from perspectives vastly different from our own. This immersion was not just about seeing new places; it was about experiencing life through a different lens.

          Transformative Insights:

          The journey profoundly impacted our priorities and perspectives, leading to a fundamental shift in how we view success and fulfilment. We learned to cherish experiences over material possessions, discovering that the richness of life doesn’t come from what we own, but from what we explore, the people we meet, and the memories we create.

          The connections we forged with people from diverse backgrounds taught us the invaluable lesson that genuine relationships often trump the convenience of superficial interactions. We found joy in simple, shared moments – a laughter-filled meal with a local family, a spontaneous conversation on a long bus ride, or the shared awe of a breathtaking landscape.

          “This old man was too old for backpacking. Plus I wanted to make my time useful, not purely hedonistic.”

          This reflection encapsulates our desire to make the journey meaningful beyond the typical tourist experience. We sought to immerse ourselves in each community we visited, understanding their way of life and contributing in our small way, be it through language exchange, volunteering, or simply by being present and engaging sincerely with those we met. This approach to travel allowed us to gain more than just photographs; it gave us new perspectives and skills, enriching our lives in ways we hadn’t anticipated.

          Upon returning, we found ourselves equipped with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of our place in the world. The journey had been more than a physical traverse across continents; it was an inner journey that challenged and expanded our worldviews. We returned not just with souvenirs, but with a new lens through which to view our careers, our relationships, and our future aspirations. The lessons learned and the growth experienced during this time continue to influence our decisions and our approach to life, reminding us always of the profound impact of embracing change and living in alignment with our deepest values.

          Our Latin American adventure was more than a journey across continents; it was a journey into the depths of our souls. “We were truly on our way, no turning back.” It taught us to embrace change, to seek growth, and to live with an open heart and mind.

          Call to Action:
          Have you ever embarked on a journey that transformed you? I’d love to hear about your experiences and the personal revelations you encountered.

          Share your stories in the comments below! And if you’re contemplating a life-changing journey, don’t forget to check out my previous blog post, “Taking a Career Break: 7 Tips to Maximise the Experience,” for insights and inspiration here.

          Wine Not Whine: Charting a Resilient Path Through Life’s Varied Terrain

          As the son of a Royal Naval Officer, I grew up surrounded by tales of resilience and fortitude. Yet, it wasn’t until I listened to my colleague Bill Sullivan’s presentation, “The Importance of Resilience: Lessons Learned on the Battlefield,” that I truly began to question the nature of my own resilience. This presentation, which can be found here, resonated deeply with me, prompting a reflection on my journey from the cozy streets of Plymouth to the global stages of advertising and tech sales.

          It made me ponder: How have the lessons of resilience, often associated with the battlefield, manifested in my civilian life? How have my experiences, choices, and the paths I’ve taken demonstrated a resilience akin to that of my father’s naval legacy?

          My father during his time with the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy

          Life’s rich tapestry, woven with threads of challenge and opportunity, is a testament to the spirit of resilience. My journey, though markedly different from the military experiences of my father, has been a vivid example of this spirit. But resilience isn’t just my story; it’s a shared narrative of adaptation and growth, a journey of learning to turn “whine” into “wine.”

          From Sports Psychology to Advertising and The Yellow Pages: A Journey of Adaptation

          Facing redundancy was a pivotal moment in my career. Initially, joining The Yellow Pages was a necessity, primarily to pay the rent. However, this unexpected detour turned into a remarkable opportunity. The structured training and development I received, considered among the best in the business at the time, not only equipped me with invaluable skills but also set the foundation for my future success. It was a powerful lesson in embracing change and finding hidden opportunities in seemingly adverse situations.

          Transitioning from a degree in sports psychology (after starting out studying mathematics) to working in advertising sales was a thrilling plunge into the unknown. Applying psychological principles in a new context demanded adaptability and a passion for learning. Each client interaction and brainstorming session became a lesson in resilience, shaping me into a more agile professional.

          The Bermuda Transformation: Leading Digital Change

          In Bermuda, I embarked on a mission to transform a legacy Yellow Pages company into a dynamic digital agency. This challenge involved not just technological change but also a significant shift in mindset for both the sales team and our clients.

          Personal Anecdote: Leveraging my sales training background, I took sellers who had never sold digital products on a learning journey. I guided them through the nuances of digital sales, overcoming resistance to change by demonstrating the tangible benefits of new digital platforms. Similarly, I educated our customers about the value of engaging through new channels like web, video, and social media. This dual approach of educating both our team and our clients was instrumental in successfully navigating this digital transformation. It was a testament to the power of effective communication and the importance of guiding others through change.

          The Return to Tech: Leveraging Past Experiences

          Finding my way back to technology sales was a challenge that required patience and persistence. The digital transformation in advertising created an opportunity for me to leverage my sales experience and technological insight, turning a setback into a strategic advantage. Moving to Sydney in Australia gave me the opportunity to engage with global technology business and ultimately join Salesforce.

          Bridging Knowledge Gaps: The MBA Journey

          Pursuing an MBA was a strategic move to bridge the gap between my background and the evolving demands of the business world. This step equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the corporate world more effectively.

          Me graduating with my MBA from the University of Leicester

          Expert Insights and Personal Growth

          Drawing inspiration from experts like Carol Dweck and Angela Duckworth (see below for links), I’ve learned that resilience is shaped by personal experiences and a growth mindset. Each career pivot, including the transformative journey in Bermuda, has been a lesson in grit, adaptability, and embracing a growth mindset.

          A Toast to Resilience: Sharing Your Journey

          Let’s celebrate the resilience within each of us. Embrace your unique challenges, expand your knowledge, and adapt with courage. Share your story and learn from others.

          Discussion Point: How have you transformed challenges into opportunities in your career?

          Carol Dweck

          1. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”
          2. Articles and Research Papers
            • Carol Dweck’s research papers can be found on academic databases. For a more general audience, her faculty page at Stanford University provides an overview and access to some of her work: Carol Dweck’s Stanford Faculty Page

          Angela Duckworth

          1. “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”
          2. TED Talk: “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”
          3. Articles and Research Papers
            • Angela Duckworth’s research papers are also available on academic databases. Her faculty page at the University of Pennsylvania provides an overview and links to some of her publications: Angela Duckworth’s UPenn Faculty Page

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