From Bermuda Sunsets to New Horizons: Reflections and Aspirations for 2024


As we gracefully step into the bright possibilities of 2024, it’s a time for reflection on the year that has passed. The journey through 2023 was not merely a sequence of events, but a rich tapestry woven with personal ambitions, professional shifts, and, most importantly, the unwavering love and support of my family.

My wife, Carmien, has been a beacon of guidance and support, her presence and wisdom illuminating the path through each challenge and triumph. Together with our son, and our two loyal dogs, Jock and Elsie, they form the essence of my motivation, the heartbeat of my ‘Why’, influencing every decision and aspiration.

As I cast my gaze towards the horizon of 2024, I’ve embarked on a unique endeavour – interviewing myself. This self-interview captures not only my reflections on 2023 but also my aspirations for 2024. Join me in this introspective journey, and I would be thrilled to hear your own reflections and goals.

Interview with Paul Dobinson

Q1: What was your favourite holiday or trip this year?
A1: “Our family road trip to Queensland was remarkable, filled with beautiful landscapes and quality time together. We loved being on the road in this amazing country. We are looking forward to many more adventures in “Robbo’, our Camper-Trailer. The holiday in Fiji stood out as well, offering a peaceful retreat where we could unwind and enjoy each other’s company.”

Q2: Who or what has been your biggest source of inspiration and motivation this year?
A2: “My family has been my greatest source of inspiration, particularly my mother. Her resilience in facing health challenges while continuing to lead and support her church and community is truly inspiring. Her strength and perseverance have been a guiding light for me. She has continued to evolve, having been a Singer, a Maths Teacher, a Mother, an Educational Consultant, a University Lecturer and now, in ‘retirement’, a full-time pastor. I think this is in part what inspires my appetite to constantly develop, to learn and to grow. I am proud of adding 3 more Salesforce Certifications this last year to the 5 I already had.”

Q3: Were there any unexpected surprises or learning experiences this past year?
A3: “This past year I took on several opportunities to mentor people at different stages in their professional career. I also sought out mentors for myself. Returning to mentoring and coaching brought new perspectives and insights. Each session was a valuable exchange of knowledge and experience, providing growth opportunities not just for those I mentored, but also for myself. Each mentoring session, whether I was learning or teaching, wasn’t just about professional development but about building resilience and adaptability. I learned the importance of active listening – truly understanding the challenges and perspectives of others, a skill that proved invaluable both at work and at home.”

Q4: What advice would you give to someone based on lessons you learnt last year?
A4: “Approach life changes with an open mind and a willingness to embrace new challenges. Significant changes often require stepping out of your comfort zone, but the growth and learning that come from these experiences are invaluable. Finding harmony between our vibrant Sydney office and the quiet of home was an exercise in balance. It was about learning to switch hats, sometimes mid-sentence, from a professional to a parent. This dance between two worlds taught me not just about productivity, but about the importance of flexibility and the art of being present, regardless of the setting.”

Q5: How do you define success, and what were some of your biggest challenges and successes last year?
A5: “I define success as a balance between personal fulfilment, professional achievement, and the ability to contribute positively to others’ lives. One of the biggest challenges last year was adapting to the rapid changes in the tech industry, which required resilience and a commitment to continual learning. The leap from supporting just our MuleSoft Partners to the vast expanse of Salesforce C360 for Retail and Consumer Goods was more than a career transition; it was navigating through the tumultuous waters of a shifting economy. The rising tides of inflation and the focus on a heavily impacted Retail vertical demanded not just professional acumen, but required me to draw on my experience as both as Salesforce customer and partner to build an ecosystem ready to embrace the rapid pivot to AI and Data, and our developing product suite in Consumer Goods.

Lastly, our journey to become Australian Citizens marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, deeply meaningful one. It’s a transition that goes beyond legal formalities; it symbolises our wholehearted embrace of Australia, a land that has given us not just a home, but a community, a sense of belonging, and endless opportunities for growth and adventure. This momentous step signifies our love and commitment to a country that now holds a special place in our hearts, reflecting our gratitude and excitement to be part of its vibrant and diverse tapestry.”

Q6: Where do you see yourself and your family in the next five years?
A6: “In the next five years, I envision continued growth both personally and professionally. I hope to advance further in my career while ensuring that family remains at the core of my life. I also aim to maintain my involvement in sporting and community endeavours. I strive to continue to try to find the balance between exercise, work, family and play.”

Q7: What was the best sporting achievement of your year?
A7: “This year, my standout sporting achievement was reigniting my connection with soccer. Diving back into the game was more than just a physical endeavor; it was a rediscovery of an old passion, a deep love for the sport that has always been a part of me. The process was humbling – relearning techniques, embracing the team spirit, and experiencing the sheer joy of playing. It reminded me how sports, particularly soccer, are intertwined with my identity and well-being.

Apart from playing soccer, I’ve dedicated myself to maintaining a consistent routine of physical activity. This commitment goes beyond just keeping fit; it’s a fundamental aspect of my lifestyle that benefits both my physical and mental health. This discipline in sports echoes the sentiment of David Goggins: ‘You have to build calluses on your brain just like how you build calluses on your hands.’ For me, this translates into a philosophy where sports are not just a test of physical strength but a continuous challenge to mentally fortify myself, to push boundaries and to grow in all aspects of life.”

Q8: What was your creative highlight of the year?
A8: “My creative highlight this year was achieving a long-held ambition to write a short novel, culminating in the publication of ‘The Bermuda Sunset.’ This project was more than just a literary endeavour; it was a deeply personal journey that mentally transported me back to Bermuda, a place very dear to my heart. Writing this novel allowed me to reconnect with cherished memories and experiences from Bermuda, infusing the narrative with a sense of nostalgia and personal significance. Moreover, developing my website has been an integral part of this creative process. It serves not only as a platform to share the novel but also as an extension of my personal brand, reflecting my values and passions. Together, the book and the website represent my dedication to creativity and the fulfillment of a dream, while also offering a unique way to revisit and share the fondness I hold for Bermuda.”

Q9: What were your favourite book, TV show, movie, and sporting event of the year?
A9: “This year, ‘Never Finished’ by David Goggins really struck a chord with me. Goggins’ unfiltered account of overcoming life’s toughest challenges emphasises the relentless pursuit of personal growth, which I find incredibly motivating. ‘Drive’ by Daniel Pink also reshaped my understanding of motivation, highlighting the power of internal drives over external incentives.

In terms of TV, ‘Ted Lasso’ was a refreshing change. Its blend of humour and genuine warmth is a rare find. On a grittier note, ‘Dr. Death Season 2’ was compelling, delving into the dark side of the medical profession with a gripping narrative.

‘My film pick is ‘Ford vs Ferrari.’ It’s not just about racing; it’s a well-crafted story of determination and rivalry, brought to life by stellar performances.

As for sports, the Rugby World Cup was the highlight, no question. As a rugby enthusiast, I was captivated by the high-caliber matches. Although South Africa’s win was a bittersweet moment for me, given my wife’s roots, the event itself was a spectacular display of sportsmanship and skill.”

Q10: Looking ahead, what are your goals for 2024?
A10:“For the upcoming year, my goals revolve around three core pillars: physical well-being, mindfulness, and continuous growth. Firstly, I plan to maintain a consistent routine in physical training. This isn’t just about staying fit; it’s about discipline, resilience, and setting a standard of excellence in every aspect of life. Regular physical activity is a metaphor for life’s challenges – it teaches persistence, endurance, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Secondly, embracing the present moment is crucial for me. In a world that’s constantly rushing towards the next big thing, I want to ensure that I appreciate the ‘now’. This means being fully engaged with my family, savouring the small joys of everyday life, and being mindful in my professional endeavors. It’s about finding a balance between ambition and contentment.

Finally, the pursuit of ongoing personal and professional development is a journey without a finish line. I’m committed to learning new skills, expanding my knowledge base, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Whether it’s through reading, networking, or undertaking new projects, I see each day as an opportunity to grow a little more.

To sum up my approach to 2024, I’m reminded of a quote from my boss, Marc Benioff, who once said, ‘The business of business is improving the state of the world.’ This quote resonates deeply with my personal and professional ethos. It’s not just about personal success; it’s about making a positive impact on the world around us. As I stride into 2024, I carry this philosophy with me, aiming to not only achieve my own goals but also contribute positively to the lives of those around me.”


As this introspective journey concludes, I reflect on the lessons learned and the aspirations set for the coming year. The experiences and insights shared here are more than just personal milestones; they’re a testament to the continuous journey of growth and discovery. I hope this self-interview inspires you to reflect on your own journey, to cherish your triumphs and learn from your challenges.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and reflections. What were your defining moments of 2023? What are your ambitions for 2024? Let’s engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas and experiences. You can reach out to me on LinkedIn or comment below.

Let’s inspire and support each other as we embark on this new chapter.

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