My 6 tips for Fitting Fitness into a Busy Life

In the whirlwind of modern life, juggling work, family, and health can feel like a circus act. But, as I’ve discovered, it’s not only possible to fit exercise into a hectic schedule, it can also be a lot of fun! Drawing from my own experiences and a sprinkle of wisdom from industry gurus, I’m excited to share how I keep fit while keeping up with life’s fast pace.

Maintaining friendships. Building a great company. Spending time w/family. Staying fit. Getting sleep. Pick 3.

~ Randi Zuckerberg

The Importance of Exercise:
We all know exercise is the secret sauce for mental sharpness and physical health. The American Heart Association suggests a hearty 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly, yet a CDC survey shows only 23% of us hit that mark. Clearly, we’re all in the same boat, trying to row with too few hours in the day.

My Personal Strategies:

  1. Work-Exercise Integration:
    • Taking a leaf out of Tim Ferriss’s “The 4-Hour Workweek,” I’ve turned my home office into a mini-gym. Picture this: peddling away on my Zwift, while diving into the latest on Salesforce+ or watching an on-demand webinar – it’s multitasking (multi-cycling?) with a fitness twist!
  2. Mindful Movement:
    • Embracing Robin Sharma’s “The 5 AM Club,” my day kicks off with a dog walk (although not yet at 5am!) that’s more zen than chore. It’s my ‘me time’ to soak in the morning vibes and prep for the day – a small step for fitness, a giant leap for mindset!
  3. Family Fitness:
    • Inspired by Stephen Covey’s wisdom, family time is also fitness time. On rainy days our living room transforms into a dance floor with Nintendo Switch sessions, proving workouts can provide family hilarity. Otherwise we are getting outside to kick a ball or ride bikes. I want to be a roll-model to my son, and one important part of that is showing him that exercise is an essential part of my life, and also something we can do together.
  4. Social Exercise at Work:
    • Channeling Laura Vanderkam’s ethos, I started a run club at work (which needs a New Year reboot!) It’s our way of mixing fitness with friendly banter – who knew networking could be so sweaty? Hit me up if you ever want to turn one of our meetings into a walk or run together, or want to join the A&C run club.
  5. Efficient Workouts:
    • On those jam-packed days, I rely on apps like FitBod for a quick fitness fix. It’s the espresso shot of exercise – short, sharp, and surprisingly effective.
  6. Social Sports:
    • Incorporating social elements into your fitness routine can enhance the experience. I play in a Wednesday night Futsal league and also love a cycle with fellow MAMIL’s for a weekend catch up with a half-way coffee up at Palm Beach. It’s a great way to combine exercise with social interaction, making your workout something to look forward to.

Challenges and Improvements:
This fitness journey is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m constantly scouting for new activities to keep the flame alive and haver been incorporating yoga and swimming recently. It’s about keeping it fresh and fun.

Call to Action:
I’m all ears for your fitness hacks! How do you weave exercise into your busy life? Drop your stories and strategies in the comments – let’s inspire each other.

Fitting fitness into a busy schedule is a blend of creativity, commitment, and a dash of humour. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage you to find your own rhythm in the fitness dance. Remember, it’s about making time, not having time. Here’s to laughing our way to a healthier life!

The Power of Timing: How Deadlines and Midpoints Shape Sales Success

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard lifts the UEFA Champions League trophy following the Reds’ stunning win in the 2005 final in Istanbul — PA Images via Getty Images


As Salesforce enters the second half of our fiscal year, the concept of perfect timing in sales becomes ever more crucial. Inspired by Daniel Pink’s book “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing,” I was intrested to look into how deadlines, midpoints, and individual ownership profoundly influence sales success. Understanding the impact of timing empowers sales teams and leaders across the industry to overcome challenges and seize opportunities effectively.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of deadlines and midpoints in shaping sales success. Drawing inspiration from the legendary Liverpool football team’s miraculous comeback in the 2005 Champions League final and other real-life examples, we’ll emphasise the power of determination and ownership in driving sales excellence.

The Power of Deadlines

Sales professionals from all walks of life are well acquainted with the significance of deadlines. Time-sensitive objectives, such as closing deals and achieving targets, create a sense of urgency that propels sales teams to action. However, finding the right balance is vital — setting realistic and achievable deadlines motivates without inducing undue stress or burnout.

Daniel Pink’s research reveals that visible deadlines enhance accountability and motivation. Transparency within sales teams fosters a collective understanding of each member’s role in contributing to shared success. As sales leaders chart the course for the second half, setting ambitious yet feasible deadlines ignites the team’s drive towards excellence.

The Midpoint Effect: Reflection and Renewed Motivation

Reaching the midpoint of any sales period can be a defining moment for teams. Pink’s “Midpoint Effect” demonstrates how progress at this stage profoundly influences motivation and drive. If the first half yielded steady progress and positive outcomes, the sales team experiences a natural boost in motivation and enthusiasm. Celebrating these victories becomes the catalyst for greater determination and focus as they charge ahead.

Conversely, finding themselves slightly behind at this midpoint can serve as a hidden advantage for sales teams. Take, for instance, the inspiring story of the Liverpool football team in the 2005 Champions League final. Trailing 3–0 at halftime against AC Milan, their captain Steven Gerrard delivered a passionate speech, urging teammates never to give up. Gerrard’s belief, determination, and individual brilliance ignited the team’s spirit, leading to an extraordinary comeback and eventual victory on penalties.

Learning from Liverpool: A Story of Unstoppable Determination

Liverpool’s remarkable comeback exemplifies the power of determination and unwavering belief. In addition to Gerrard’s halftime speech, individual players like Vladimír Šmicer and Xabi Alonso made significant contributions, showcasing the value of stepping up in critical moments. Their collective ownership of the outcome, coupled with an unyielding fighting spirit, turned an unfavourable situation into an unforgettable triumph.

This underdog story resonates with sales teams striving to achieve excellence in the second half. Embracing a proactive mindset and seizing ownership of outcomes can transform setbacks into opportunities for growth and success.

Drawing Inspiration from Diverse Thought Leaders

To reinforce the importance of timing and ownership in sales, let’s turn to other thought leaders:

  1. Brian Tracy: This renowned sales expert emphasises the significance of setting clear, specific goals and breaking them down into manageable tasks. The midpoint of the year is an opportune time to review and realign sales objectives.
  2. Zig Ziglar: The legendary Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” This notion underscores the importance of maintaining a positive mindset throughout the sales journey.
  3. Jim Rohn: Sales teams can draw wisdom from Jim Rohn’s famous quote, “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.” Consistency and commitment are essential for long-term sales achievements.


As Salesforce steps into the second half of the fiscal year, mastering the art of timing, ownership, and unstoppable determination becomes a universal aspiration for all sales professionals and leaders. Realistic deadlines and a proactive mindset infuse urgency, while the midpoint serves as a reflection point and catalyst for renewed motivation.

Embrace the powerful lessons from the Liverpool comeback — a story of determination, belief, and collective ownership. In the sales arena, setbacks present opportunities to rise as underdogs and achieve remarkable success.

Let’s draw inspiration from thought leaders, including Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Jim Rohn, and equip our sales teams with the strategic advantage of perfect timing and individual ownership. With unwavering determination, we will propel sales endeavours to new heights, transforming challenges into triumphs and turning sales dreams into reality.

Hashtags: #SalesSuccess #SalesLeadership #PerfectTiming #SalesGoals #Determination #SalesMotivation #SalesExcellence #SalesOwnership #BelieveAndAchieve #UnderdogSuccess

The Peak-Trough-Recovery Model: How to Optimise Your Productivity and Well-Being

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like your productivity takes a nosedive in the afternoon? Or that you’re more creative in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. Our daily mood follows a predictable pattern, with peaks and troughs throughout the day.

In his book When, Daniel Pink explores the science of timing and how we can use it to our advantage. He introduces the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model, which describes the three phases of our daily mood.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain


The peak period is when our cognitive abilities and mood are at their best. This typically occurs in the morning, but it can vary depending on our individual chronotype (whether we’re a morning person or an evening person). During the peak period, we’re more alert, focused, and creative. This is the time to tackle our most challenging and important tasks.


The trough period is when our energy levels and mood dip. This typically occurs in the early afternoon, but it can vary depending on our individual schedule and lifestyle. During the trough period, we’re more likely to feel tired, sluggish, and unfocused. This is not the best time for making important decisions or engaging in complex tasks.


The recovery period is when our mood and energy levels begin to bounce back. This typically occurs in the late afternoon or early evening. During the recovery period, we’re more relaxed and sociable. This is a good time for less demanding tasks, such as socializing, organizing, or responding to emails.

How to Apply the Model in Your Everyday Life

Understanding the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model can help you optimise your productivity and well-being. Here are a few tips:

  • Schedule your most important tasks during your peak period. This will help you make the most of your heightened focus and energy.
  • Take breaks during the trough period. Get up and move around, or do something else that will help you recharge.
  • Avoid making important decisions during the trough period. Wait until your mood and energy levels have improved.
  • Leverage the recovery period for less demanding tasks. This is a good time to catch up on paperwork, socialize with colleagues, or relax and unwind.

“Timing is everything.” — Benjamin Franklin


The Peak-Trough-Recovery Model is a valuable tool for understanding our daily mood patterns and optimising our productivity and well-being. By understanding when we’re at our best and when we’re likely to be more fatigued, we can make better decisions about how to allocate our time and energy.

Graph showing the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model

The graph shows how our mood and energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. The peak period is represented by the highest point on the graph, the trough period is represented by the lowest point, and the recovery period is represented by the middle point.


  • Pink, D. (2018). When: The scientific secrets of perfect timing. Riverhead Books.

Additional Thoughts

Recent research has corroborated the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model. For example, a study by the University of California, Berkeley found that people who are allowed to choose their own work hours are more productive and have better well-being. This suggests that the model is a valid representation of our daily mood patterns, and that by understanding these patterns, we can make better decisions about how to allocate our time and energy.

The modern trend for flexible work is a good fit with the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model. Flexible work arrangements allow people to choose their own work hours and location, which gives them the flexibility to schedule their work around their own peak and trough periods. This can lead to improved productivity and well-being, as people are able to work when they are most alert and focused.

For example, a person who is a morning person might choose to start work early in the morning and take a break in the afternoon. They could then finish their work in the evening, when their energy levels are starting to pick up again. This would allow them to take advantage of their peak period in the morning and their recovery period in the evening.

Of course, the Peak-Trough-Recovery Model is just a general guideline. Everyone’s individual chronotype and preferences will vary. However, understanding the model can help people make better decisions about how to allocate their time and energy, which can lead to improved productivity and well-being.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Striking Harmony: The Pursuit of Work-Life Balance and Career Fulfilment

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

“Life is a constant juggle,” tweeted Randi Zuckerberg in 2011, highlighting the ongoing struggle to maintain a balance between career, family, friendships, fitness, and sleep. Years later, this sentiment still resonates, prompting profound reflections on personal purpose and the tradeoffs we make to achieve success and fulfilment.

As I engaged in a recent conversation with a colleague about their career path at Salesforce, the intricate dance of balance came to the forefront of our discussion. This encounter prompted me to explore my own “Why” and how I’ve navigated tradeoffs throughout my career to find harmony and achieve my goals.

Navigating the Tradeoffs:

During our conversation, my colleague and I realised that tradeoffs are an integral part of any career journey. We often find ourselves faced with choices between our career and family, health, personal growth, or friendships. Recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, we acknowledged the importance of introspection and understanding our individual “Why.”

The Art of Balancing:

Achieving balance requires a personalised approach that suits your unique circumstances. It may entail sacrificing certain aspects of your life to focus on others or devising creative strategies to pursue multiple goals simultaneously. For instance, if your job demands much of your time, consider negotiating remote work arrangements to spend more quality time with your family. Alternatively, if community engagement is a priority, seek volunteer opportunities that align with your schedule.

The Importance of Self-Reflection:

To find balance in your career, embark on a journey of self-reflection. Delve deep into your priorities, values, and aspirations. This introspective process enables you to make choices that align with what truly matters to you, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

The Power of Collaboration:

Collaboration plays a pivotal role in achieving balance. Don’t hesitate to seek support and guidance from your loved ones, colleagues, and mentors. Their insights and assistance can prove invaluable as you navigate the challenges of balancing your career with other important aspects of your life.

The Importance of Self-Care:

Nurturing your well-being is paramount in finding equilibrium. Dedicate time to caring for your physical and mental health. Engage in activities that bring you joy and rejuvenate your spirit. Prioritising self-care empowers you to effectively handle the demands of your career while tending to other vital areas of your life.


Successfully navigating tradeoffs in your career may seem daunting, but with commitment and self-awareness, balance can be achieved, leading to both personal fulfilment and professional success. Remain true to your priorities, collaborate with others, and prioritise self-care. By embracing these principles, you unlock your potential and craft a career that is not only meaningful but also harmoniously aligned with your life as a whole.

I invite you to share your insights on managing the juggle and offer tips that have proven effective for you. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Further Reading:

To delve deeper into the realm of balancing career and life, consider exploring the following resources:

  • The Balance Careers: A comprehensive website offering valuable insights on managing work-life balance. [link:]
  • Lifehack: A platform dedicated to providing practical tips and advice for achieving work-life balance. [link:]
  • Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global: A source of inspiration and guidance on prioritising well-being while pursuing professional success. [link:]
  • The Muse: An online resource featuring expert advice and articles on career development and work-life integration. [link:]
  • The Harvard Business Review: A renowned publication exploring various aspects of work-life balance and career advancement. [link:]

For additional inspiration and profound insights, consider exploring these exceptional books:

  • “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss
  • “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown
  • “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg
  • “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin
  • “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

Embrace the art of balancing, prioritize your well-being, and unlock the limitless potential that awaits on your journey toward a fulfilling and harmonious career and life.

Escape the Meeting Trap: 3 Tips to Revolutionise Your Workday

Why was the meeting about nothing so long? Because it was a ‘full staff’ meeting.

Meetings are the bane of modern office life. They take up precious time, interrupt our workflow, and often leave us feeling drained and unproductive. In fact, a recent article from Salesforce revealed that “nearly half (46%) of knowledge workers say they waste significant time in meetings — a sentiment that anyone who’s accepted to an agenda-less calendar appointment can identify with.”

Of course, some companies are taking steps to change the meeting culture. Amazon, for example, has a strict “ two pizza rule” for meetings, meaning that if the team can’t be fed with two pizzas, the meeting is too big. And who can argue with the logic of pizza?

But Amazon isn’t the only company trying to streamline meetings. Australian software firm Atlassian has a “no meeting Wednesdays” policy to help employees focus on deep work. And productivity guru Tim Ferriss suggests asking yourself,

“Would I spend $10,000 of my own money to have this meeting?” before agreeing to attend.

If you’re a fan of agile software development, you may already be familiar with stand-ups (if not, check out my recent post on the benefits). These short, daily meetings are designed to keep everyone on the same page and identify any roadblocks that need to be addressed. They take no more than 15 minutes and are a great way to improve transparency, accountability, and coordination between team members.

Of course, changing the meeting culture isn’t always easy. As comedian John Cleese once said,

“If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.”

And that’s where tools like Slack come in. Asynchronous collaboration can be just as effective as traditional meetings, without the time-wasting and interrupting flow. And with the rise of remote work, it’s become more important than ever to find ways to collaborate effectively without constantly interrupting each other’s work.

And it’s not just tech companies that can benefit from asynchronous collaboration. From healthcare to education, companies and industries across Australia are adopting this new way of working. By reducing the number of unnecessary meetings, employees have more time to focus on actual work, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

So next time you’re about to schedule a meeting, ask yourself: is this really necessary? Could we accomplish the same thing with a quick Slack message or email? And if you do need to have a meeting, make sure it’s focused and efficient. Set clear goals and an agenda ahead of time, and stick to them.

Remember, time is our most precious resource, and wasting it in endless meetings is a surefire way to feel burnt out and unproductive. So let’s take a cue from Amazon and other innovative companies and start rethinking how we work together. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll get that full day of our workweek back.

Sometimes we still do need to meet…

Here are three top tips to use when deciding if a meeting is necessary:

  1. Define clear objectives: Before scheduling a meeting, clearly define the objectives and outcomes you hope to achieve. What is the purpose of the meeting? What decisions need to be made? By setting clear objectives, you can determine if a meeting is truly necessary and make the most of the time spent.
  2. Consider alternative methods of communication: As mentioned earlier, not all discussions require a meeting. If the topic can be effectively addressed through email, instant messaging, or another communication tool, consider using that method instead. By doing so, you’ll save time for everyone involved and avoid interrupting workflow.
  3. Keep it short and focused: If you do decide to hold a meeting, make sure it is focused and efficient. Set a clear agenda and stick to it. Avoid inviting unnecessary participants and keep the discussion on track. By doing so, you’ll make the most of everyone’s time and ensure that the meeting is productive.

These tips are important because they can help you avoid wasting time and energy on unnecessary meetings, which can lead to increased productivity, improved mental well-being, and more positive work culture. By taking a critical look at the need for meetings and implementing these tips, you can create a more efficient and effective workplace.

In the words of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos,

“The best meetings are where everyone is there because they need to be, and no one stays longer than they have to.”

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