The Playbook of Leadership: Coaching for Empathy, Growth, and Excellence

In the competitive arena of business, akin to a high-stakes game, a thought-provoking question was raised among us at Salesforce: What truly separates a manager from a leader?

This question goes beyond mere semantics; it’s a deep dive into the core of organisational influence and the growth of our professional selves. Reflecting on this, it’s evident that the most impactful leaders in my career journey have excelled not just in their ability to manage but in their innate capacity for true leadership—much like a seasoned coach who doesn’t just call the plays but inspires the team to greatness.

Leadership: The Coach of the Corporate Field

In the world of sports, as in business, leadership is less about holding a title and more about the ability to rally a team towards a common goal. It’s about coaching a diverse group of players to perform harmoniously, each bringing their unique strengths to the game.

Empathy: The Team’s Cohesion Force

Empathy in leadership is like the unspoken bond in a well-oiled team. It’s the coach’s ability to understand each player’s strengths and weaknesses, aspirations, and fears. This emotional intelligence fosters a team spirit that can weather losses and celebrate victories together. It’s about creating a locker room where every player knows they are an integral part of the team’s success.

Visionary Insight: The Game Plan for Success

A great coach always has a game plan, a vision for how to win not just the game but the season. This strategic foresight involves recognizing talent, anticipating challenges, and seizing opportunities. It’s about inspiring the team with a compelling vision of what they are working towards, much like a quarterback who can read the field and adjust the play accordingly.

Inspirational Influence: The Rallying Cry

The most memorable coaches are those who can deliver a rallying cry that resonates with every player, pushing them to dig deeper and reach higher. Inspirational influence is about igniting passion and commitment, much like a halftime speech that turns the tide of the game.

Courageous Authenticity: Playing with Heart

Authenticity in leadership is about being the coach who leads by example, who plays with heart, and isn’t afraid to take the tough calls. It’s about showing up, being present, and leading with integrity, whether the team is facing a winning streak or a losing battle.

Adaptive Resilience: The Comeback Strategy

Resilience is key in sports and business alike. It’s the coach’s ability to adapt the strategy mid-game, to help the team bounce back from setbacks. This resilience is what builds a team’s character and cements their legacy in the annals of the game.

Empowering Delegation: Building a Team of Leaders

Great coaches know they can’t play every position. They delegate, empowering players to take ownership of their roles, make calls, and lead on the field. This delegation builds a team of leaders who can operate seamlessly, even when the coach isn’t calling the shots.

Continuous Learning: The Pursuit of Mastery

The best coaches are lifelong students of the game. They instill this love for learning in their players, always analyzing plays, refining skills, and studying the competition. This commitment to continuous improvement keeps the team competitive and at the forefront of the game.

Active Listening: The Strategy Huddle

Active listening is the coach’s tool for understanding the needs of the team. It’s about listening to the players in the huddle, taking in their on-the-ground insights, and adjusting the game plan accordingly. This two-way communication is crucial for adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the game.

Constant Striving: The Championship Mindset

Finally, the drive for excellence is what separates the good from the great. It’s the coach’s relentless pursuit of the championship mindset, setting the bar high and challenging the team to leap over it. It’s about fostering a culture where good enough is never enough when greatness is within reach.

In the grand scheme of things, the essence of leadership is not captured in the scoreboards or trophy cases but in the growth of the team, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the pursuit of excellence at every turn. As we navigate the corporate field, let’s draw inspiration from the great coaches and players who remind us that leadership is about bringing out the best in everyone, playing with purpose, and, above all, uniting to achieve a common goal.

5 Proven Strategies to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market: Insights from Motivational Psychology

In the current economic landscape, we’re witnessing a unique confluence of factors: soaring inflation rates, escalating interest rates, and record low unemployment levels. These dynamics aren’t just numbers on a chart; they have real-world implications for professionals across the board. With the cost of living on the rise due to inflation, many are feeling the pinch and looking for ways to increase their income. The low unemployment rate, whilst a positive sign of economic health, also indicates a saturated job market where every open position might have multiple qualified candidates. Additionally, as interest rates climb, individuals may be re-evaluating their financial stability and long-term goals, prompting a reconsideration of their current job roles.

Given these circumstances, it’s no surprise that many are seeking to progress in their careers, not just for personal fulfilment but also as a strategic move to navigate these economic challenges. So, how can one truly stand out and make a lasting impression in such a competitive environment? Drawing from the latest findings in motivation, goal setting, and motivational psychology, here are five strategies to help you differentiate yourself and progress in your career:

  1. Set Clear and Specific Goals
    • Why it works: Research has consistently shown that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance than setting easy or vague goals. When you know exactly what you want, you can direct your efforts more efficiently.
    • How to apply it: Instead of saying, “I want a better job,” specify what that looks like for you. For instance, “I want a managerial position in a tech company within the next two years.”
  2. Adopt a Growth Mindset
    • Why it works: Dr Carol Dweck’s research on mindsets reveals that individuals with a growth mindset – those who believe abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – are more resilient and adaptable to challenges.
    • How to apply it: Embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities to learn. When faced with criticism, instead of getting defensive, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?”
  3. Continuous Learning and Skill Development
    • Why it works: The world is constantly evolving, and so are job requirements. By continually updating your skills, you not only stay relevant but also demonstrate a commitment to your profession.
    • How to apply it: Enrol in online courses, attend workshops, or even seek mentorship in areas you wish to improve. Showcase these learnings on your CV and during interviews.
  4. Build Authentic Relationships
    • Why it works: Networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about building genuine relationships. Authentic connections can lead to job referrals, collaborations, and opportunities that you might not find on job boards.
    • How to apply it: Attend industry events, join professional groups, or even start your own meetup. Remember, the goal is to build meaningful relationships, not just hand out business cards.
  5. Showcase Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
    • Why it works: In a sea of applicants, your UVP is what sets you apart. It’s the unique combination of skills, experiences, and perspectives that you bring to the table.
    • How to apply it: Reflect on what makes you different from others in your field. Maybe it’s your diverse background, your approach to problem-solving, or a unique skill set. Highlight this in your CV, cover letter, and interviews.

In conclusion, the current economic situation underscores the importance of being proactive in our career trajectories. By integrating these strategies into your career development plan, you’ll not only differentiate yourself in a competitive job market but also position yourself to better weather economic uncertainties. Remember, it’s not just about landing a job; it’s about building a resilient and fulfilling career in a rapidly changing world.

The Crucial Link: Why Data Quality is the Backbone of AI

Picture a painting created by an AI artist, blending Picasso with a toddler’s paint palette (image created by Bing Images)

In the bustling business sphere, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its creative counterpart, Generative AI, are the maestros orchestrating a symphony of innovation. But, here’s the catch — the quality of your data is the silent choreographer determining whether this performance is a well-executed masterpiece or a comedic calamity.

Understanding Generative AI and AI in the Dance of Data:

Data is the unsung hero, intricately choreographing the dance of AI. Pristine data is the key to brilliance, steering AI towards operational optimisation, decision-making prowess, and the harmonious generation of creative content. However, just as in a dance, a misstep can lead to awkward two-steps of misjudgment.

Consider Microsoft’s chatbot, Tay, as it tumbled down the rollercoaster of online interactions. Influenced by unsavoury data, Tay transformed from a hopeful chatter to a linguistic acrobat of offence, showcasing the unpredictable twists when AI encounters bad data and mischief-makers. In another scenario, misguided data turned a couch potato into an outdoor enthusiast in an e-commerce escapade, resulting in recommendations for camping gear instead of a cosy blanket — a laughable mismatch causing more confusion than a cat in a conundrum.

Generative AI, the whimsical wizard of creativity, can become a mischievous sprite if fueled by wonky data. Imagine an AI artist blending Picasso with a toddler’s paint palette — unique, yes, but not exactly the brand’s envisioned masterpiece.

The Power of AI and Generative AI in Business:

Now, how do these technological maestros work their magic in business? AI, fueled by pristine data, analyses vast datasets to extract patterns, trends, and insights, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimise operations. Generative AI, on the other hand, acts as a creative genius, producing original and contextually relevant content based on the intricacies of a company’s data.

In essence, AI and Generative AI transform data into a strategic asset. Meticulous analysis by AI enables businesses to foresee market trends, customer preferences, and potential challenges. Meanwhile, Generative AI adds innovation by leveraging data to create compelling and tailored content.

Why This Matters Now:

As businesses navigate into an AI-driven future, the importance of having your data in order cannot be overstated. The lessons from past incidents — where data played the role of a mischievous accomplice — highlight the urgency for businesses to embark on a data-taming journey.

Today, where data-driven decisions are synonymous with business success, ensuring the quality of your data is as critical as a virtuoso’s violin. It is the assurance of a symphony of success rather than a cacophony of comedic calamities. Reflecting on these incidents, business leaders must recognise that data can either be a rascally accomplice or a steadfast ally.

As the world accelerates towards AI adoption, now is the time to fine-tune your data. It’s not just about avoiding missteps; it’s about orchestrating a performance that resonates with the precision and artistry that AI and Generative AI can offer.

Rucking Tech: A Rugby Fan’s Playbook for Dominance with Salesforce and EinsteinGPT

Calling all rugby enthusiasts! As we eagerly huddle together, awaiting the knock-out stages of the Rugby World Cup, it hit me—what if our favourite Salesforce products were akin to the powerhouse players we cheer for on the pitch?

But, before we scrum down into this analogy, let me confess: I’m not just a Salesforce enthusiast; I’m a rugby fanatic with a penchant for puns. So, in the spirit of knocking out the competition, let’s explore how Salesforce products tackle the tech game, with a dash of humour that even a prop forward would appreciate. Ready? Let’s convert this into a try-scoring tech adventure! 🏉🚀

Sales Cloud – The Inside Center:

Starting with the big guns, Sales Cloud takes the coveted role of the inside centre. Just like this pivotal rugby position, Sales Cloud stands at the heart of the Salesforce platform, orchestrating the sales pipeline and closing deals like a seasoned fly-half executing a perfect drop goal.

Service Cloud – The Fullback:

Moving to the fullback, we find Service Cloud, the unwavering support in the Salesforce lineup. Always there to tackle customer issues with finesse, Service Cloud mirrors the reliable fullback, ensuring a solid line of defence against any tech hiccups.

Marketing Cloud- The Winger:

In the fast lane, we have Marketing Cloud, our very own winger in the Salesforce squad. Just as wingers zip through the opposition, Marketing Cloud is swift and agile, responsible for helping businesses reach and engage their target audience with flair.

MuleSoft – The Scrum Half:

Enter MuleSoft, our scrum half extraordinaire. Like the scrum half orchestrates plays on the rugby field, MuleSoft connects all Salesforce products seamlessly, making data flow between them as effortlessly as a perfectly executed scrum.

Slack – The Coach:

And then there’s Slack —the coach of our Salesforce team. Uniting all the players (products) and ensuring they perform at their best, Slack is the tactical mastermind, turning businesses into true champions of the tech pitch.

Now, imagine adding EinsteinGPT to this dynamic team. It’s like having a rugby genius on your side, analyzing every move and strategising for success. Much like a seasoned rugby coach using their knowledge to drive efficiency in plays, EinsteinGPT leverages Generative AI in Salesforce, providing businesses with insights and automation that kicks efficiency up a notch.

Just like a rugby team finds its strength in unity, Salesforce products, combined with EinsteinGPT, unleash their full potential when working harmoniously. When Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, MuleSoft, Slack, and EinsteinGPT join forces, businesses gain a 360-degree view of their customers, scoring metaphorical tries in the business arena.

Data is the MVP:

Just as a rugby team crafts a winning game plan, businesses require top-notch data for sound decision-making. Enter Salesforce’s Data Cloud—the undisputed source of truth for customer data. This data, powered by EinsteinGPT, fuels Salesforce products, providing businesses with a comprehensive view of their customers, much like a coach studying game tapes for that strategic edge.

In the Huddle:

In conclusion, Salesforce products, with the addition of EinsteinGPT, emulate the camaraderie of rugby positions. Like a well-coached team, they thrive when in sync, leveraging the power of Generative AI for unparalleled efficiency. If you’re eyeing enhanced customer relationships and business growth, this tech dream team is your star player. And never forget, in this game of tech, data is the key to unlocking success.

So, let your business play the Salesforce way, with EinsteinGPT, and score big! Now, let’s cheer our teams on as both the Rugby World Cup and our tech game heat up! 🚀🎉

Call to action:

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with Salesforce and EinsteinGPT? Contact us today to learn more about how these powerful tools can help you achieve your goals.

Balancing the Scrum: Lessons for Australian Rugby and Business

Wallabies prop Pone Fa’amausili at the end of the 2023 Rugby World Cup Pool C match against Wales. Photograph: Sébastien Bozon/AFP/Getty Images,

Australia’s now almost inevitable Rugby World Cup exit with a young and inexperienced team, coupled with the omission of seasoned players like Michael Hooper and Quade Cooper, has sparked a conversation about the delicate interplay between youth and experience in Australian rugby.

This scenario, though rooted in the world of sports, holds valuable lessons not just for Australian rugby but also for the broader domains of business and technology sales. Drawing inspiration from Malcolm Gladwell’s game-changing concept, the 10,000-hour rule, we can explore how each sector can mutually benefit from the optimal blend of youthful vigour and seasoned wisdom.

The 10,000-Hour Rule and Expertise

Malcolm Gladwell’s groundbreaking work, “Outliers,” has indelibly influenced our understanding of achieving mastery across various fields. The 10,000-hour rule, his hallmark concept, underscores the profound significance of extensive practice and unwavering dedication in the journey toward excellence. This principle holds true across diverse domains, encompassing rugby, business, and technology sales, making it imperative to delve deeper into its implications.

In rugby, this rule resonates through the countless hours of rigorous training, skill refinement, and match experience that players accumulate over their careers. From mastering complex plays to refining physical fitness, rugby players must dedicate themselves to relentless training regimens. For budding rugby stars, Gladwell’s rule underscores the importance of investing substantial time to refine their skills and truly excel in their craft. It serves as a poignant reminder that the path to rugby excellence is lined with countless hours of effort, whether in the gym, on the field, or studying game footage.

In the world of business, particularly within the Salesforce ecosystem, Gladwell’s insights bear equal weight. Success in the swiftly evolving tech industry necessitates not only staying abreast of cutting-edge innovations but also mastering the intricacies of Salesforce solutions. Professionals in technology sales, mirroring their rugby counterparts, must commit significant time and effort to grasp the nuances of their field, sharpen their communication and negotiation skills, and cultivate deep expertise in the products and services they represent. Similar to rugby players who train tirelessly to attain peak performance, technology sales professionals must remain dedicated to continuous learning and practice to excel in their roles.

Furthermore, Gladwell’s observations stretch to the broader business landscape. Entrepreneurs, executives, and employees alike are reminded that expertise in any industry is not an overnight achievement. It is the culmination of years of unwavering commitment, learning from setbacks, and a relentless pursuit of improvement. The 10,000-hour rule serves as a powerful catalyst for those aspiring to make a significant impact in their respective domains, emphasizing that persistence and determination are as integral as innate talent.

Navigating Australian Rugby’s Path

Accelerating Young Talent

Australia’s strategic decision to introduce young talents into the international rugby arena aligns with the belief that early exposure can accelerate growth. The infusion of fresh energy and enthusiasm can revitalize the team and cultivate long-term development. However, it is crucial to navigate this process with care, ensuring that the exuberance of youth is nurtured while avoiding the perils of burnout.

The Role of Seasoned Veterans

Michael Hooper and Quade Cooper epitomize experience and leadership. Their exclusion from the team prompts reflection on the vital contributions of mentorship, composure, and the ability to navigate high-pressure situations. These attributes hold immense value, not only in rugby but also in any team-oriented endeavour.

Lessons for Australian Rugby and Business

Achieving the Perfect Balance

Just as Australian rugby seeks to balance youthful enthusiasm with experienced guidance, businesses across industries benefit immensely from striking the right equilibrium between emerging talent and seasoned professionals. This ideal equilibrium, often referred to as the “sweet spot,” involves harnessing the innovation and drive of youth while benefiting from the sagacity and leadership of those with a wealth of experience. This blend frequently leads to optimal outcomes, both on the rugby field and in the boardroom.

Collaboration and Adaptability

The success of rugby teams and businesses alike hinges on seamless collaboration between young talents and seasoned experts. Open channels of communication, mutual respect, and the agility to adapt to evolving circumstances stand as pivotal factors that pave the path to success.


The Australian rugby landscape provides a unique vantage point for comprehending the intricate dynamics of youth and experience—a phenomenon that resonates not only in sports but also in the realms of business and technology sales. Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule serves as a universal blueprint for understanding the trajectory to mastery. Whether in the intense crucible of rugby, the dynamic milieu of business, or the swiftly changing landscape of technology sales, extensive practice and unwavering dedication stand as the bedrock of success.

These principles serve as a guiding beacon for those striving to distinguish themselves in their careers, underscoring the notion that the path to expertise is a continual journey. Each hour invested brings us closer to our goals, whether we are aspiring rugby stars, technology sales professionals, or entrepreneurs. As we reflect on the journey of Australian rugby, we are reminded that achieving success is not solely contingent on age or experience but on skilful navigation of the synergy between youth and wisdom. This equilibrium forms the cornerstone of success, both in the sporting arena and in the expansive landscape of business. The lessons gleaned from one arena can enrich and inform strategies in the other, culminating in a dynamic exchange of ideas and practices that benefits us all.

7 Key Takeaways from Outliers for a Successful Career in the Salesforce Ecosystem and Beyond

Outliers: The Story of Success

This weekend, I finished reading Malcolm Gladwell‘s eye-opening book, Outliers: The Story of Success. As I was reading, I couldn’t help but think about how the insights in the book apply to the Salesforce ecosystem and our upcoming Dreamforce event.

In Outliers, Gladwell explores the factors that contribute to extraordinary success. He argues that while talent and hard work are essential, they are not enough. He also emphasises the importance of opportunity and access to resources.

Salesforce is a company that is working to democratise opportunity and make it possible for anyone to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. Salesforce’s free training platform, Trailhead by Salesforce, is a great example of this commitment. Trailhead provides anyone with access to the skills and knowledge they need to launch a career in Salesforce.

Dreamforce is another example of Salesforce’s commitment to opportunity and access. Dreamforce is the world’s largest customer relationship management (CRM) event and is open to anyone. Content is streamed for free on Salesforce+. At Dreamforce, attendees can learn from the best and brightest in the Salesforce ecosystem, network with other Trailblazers, and explore the latest innovations in CRM.

Here are seven key takeaways from Outliers that are relevant to the Salesforce ecosystem and Dreamforce:

1. The 10,000-Hour Rule: Master Your Craft

Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule states that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert in any field. While the 10,000-hour rule is not a magic bullet, it does highlight the importance of hard work and dedication.

Trailhead makes it easy to start with Salesforce and rack up your 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. Trailhead offers a variety of modules and trails that cover all aspects of the Salesforce platform.

Image from article: What is Trailhead:

2. The Matthew Effect: Early Opportunities Matter

The Matthew Effect is a phenomenon in which those who have already achieved success tend to have more opportunities to achieve even greater success. While the Matthew Effect can be discouraging, it is important to remember that there are always opportunities available, even to those who are just starting.

Dreamforce is a great opportunity for people of all experience levels to learn about Salesforce and to network with other Trailblazers. Dreamforce also offers a variety of sessions and workshops that are designed to help people get started with Salesforce and advance their careers.

3. Cultural and Environmental Factors: Embrace Diversity

Gladwell argues that cultural and environmental factors play a significant role in success. He points out that people from certain backgrounds are more likely to have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Salesforce is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive ecosystem. Salesforce’s Trailblazer Community is a great example of this commitment. The Trailblazer Community is a global community of Salesforce professionals who are passionate about learning and helping others.

4. Opportunity and Timing: Stay Agile

Gladwell argues that opportunity and timing play a significant role in success. He points out that people who are in the right place at the right time are more likely to succeed.

The Salesforce ecosystem is constantly evolving, and there are always new opportunities emerging. Dreamforce is a great place to learn about the latest trends and innovations in Salesforce.

5. Hard Work and Determination: Persevere

Gladwell’s emphasis on hard work and determination is universal. While there is no guarantee of success, even the most talented people need to work hard and persevere to achieve their goals.

Salesforce is a company that values hard work and determination. Salesforce’s culture is one of continuous learning and improvement. Dreamforce is a great place to be inspired by the stories of other Trailblazers who have achieved success through hard work and perseverance.

Dreamforce Magic

6. Grit and Resilience: Bounce Back

Gladwell argues that grit and resilience are essential for success. He points out that people who can bounce back from setbacks are more likely to succeed in the long run.

The Salesforce ecosystem is a supportive community where people are always willing to help each other. Dreamforce is a great place to network with other Trailblazers and learn from their experiences.

7. The Power of Community: Connect and Learn

Gladwell argues that community is important for success. He points out that people who are connected to a supportive community are more likely to succeed.

The Trailblazer Community is a global community of Salesforce professionals who are passionate about learning and helping others. Dreamforce is a great place to connect with other Trailblazers and learn from their experiences.


Outliers underscores how unique access to opportunities, education, and resources has historically created outliers. However, Salesforce’s commitment to democratising these opportunities, epitomised by Dreamforce and Trailhead, has reshaped the narrative. Success in the Salesforce ecosystem and beyond is no longer limited by privilege; it is open to anyone willing to learn, grow, and connect.

Unlocking Business Success: Lessons from Elite Rugby

The 2023 Rugby World Cup is just around the corner, and I’m excited to be cheering on my two favourite teams, England and Australia. As a former employee of Capgemini, I’m also proud to see my old employer as a sponsor of this year’s tournament.

Photo by Stefan Lehner on Unsplash

Beyond the excitement of the matches, I believe that elite rugby can teach us valuable lessons about business success. Here are a few of the key takeaways:

  • Teamwork makes the dream work. In rugby, no single player can win the game. It takes a team of players working together to achieve victory. The same is true in business. No matter how talented your employees are, they won’t be able to succeed without teamwork. Create a culture of collaboration and cooperation, where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Leadership is essential. A good leader can inspire and motivate their team to achieve great things. They are also able to make tough decisions under pressure. In business, effective leadership is essential for success. Leaders set the tone for the company and create a vision for the future. They also provide direction and support to their employees.
  • Strategy is key. Elite rugby teams have a clear plan of attack. They know what they want to achieve and how they are going to do it. Businesses need to be equally strategic. Have a clear understanding of your goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Be willing to adapt your strategy as needed.
  • Adaptability is vital. Things don’t always go according to plan in rugby or in business. Elite teams are able to adapt to change quickly and effectively. They are also able to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to problems. Businesses need to be equally adaptable. Be prepared for change and be willing to take risks.
  • Resilience is essential. Rugby players face many challenges, both on and off the field. They get knocked down, but they keep getting back up. Businesses face challenges too. The ability to bounce back from setbacks is essential for success. Don’t give up when things get tough. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.
  • Continuous improvement is always necessary. Elite rugby teams are constantly looking for ways to improve their skills and strategies. They never settle for mediocrity. Businesses need to be equally committed to continuous improvement. Look for ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.

I believe that these lessons from elite rugby can be applied to any business. By embracing teamwork, leadership, strategy, adaptability, resilience, and continuous improvement, your business can achieve great things.

I’m looking forward to watching the Rugby World Cup and seeing how these lessons play out on the field. I’m also looking forward to cheering on England and Australia, and hopefully seeing one of them lift the trophy in Paris!

Personal note:

I’m a lifelong rugby fan, and I’m always looking for ways to apply the lessons of the sport to my business career. I’m also a big fan of Capgemini, and I’m proud to see them as a sponsor of the Rugby World Cup. I believe that Capgemini’s values of teamwork, leadership, and innovation are essential for success in both rugby and business.

My wife is also a rugby fan, and she’s supporting South Africa. My son is still too young to decide who he’s supporting, but I’m sure he’ll be a fan of the sport for life.

I hope you enjoy the Rugby World Cup, and I encourage you to think about how the lessons of the sport can be applied to your own business.

Here are some links where people in Australia can follow the games or watch them live:

  • Stan Sport: This is the official streaming partner of the Rugby World Cup in Australia. You can watch all matches live and on demand on Stan Sport.
  • Nine Network: Nine will broadcast all Wallabies matches and the final live on free-to-air TV.
  • 9Now: 9Now is Nine’s streaming service. You can watch all Wallabies matches and the final live on 9Now.
  • RugbyPass: RugbyPass is a subscription streaming service that offers live and on-demand coverage of rugby matches from around the world.

Title: Mastering the Art of Negotiation: From Complex Deals to Toddler Tussles

Sales recruiters, gather ‘round for a tip that might just change the game!

Picture this: I was at the playground with my spirited 4-year-old last week, deep in negotiations over how many more rounds he could conquer on the colossal blue slide before we reluctantly called it a day. Now, here’s the golden nugget I discovered — if you want to assess someone’s sales prowess, watch them skillfully convince a young child to bid farewell to a playground paradise!

As someone who’s clocked in years ‘in sales’ and now a few more years ‘in parenting,’ I’ve stumbled upon a fascinating revelation. The skills honed in my professional life have remarkably intertwined with the ones necessary for running a household, and vice versa.

Negotiation, a true art form, doesn’t just exist within the confines of the conference room. It traverses boundaries, encompassing everything from sealing million-dollar business deals to orchestrating the delicate dance of persuading a tiny human to embrace their vegetables.

In this blog post, we’re set to embark on a delightful exploration of the astonishing parallels between the intricate realm of business negotiations and the delightful, if occasionally challenging, art of managing a determined pre-schooler.

Active Listening:

Both arenas demand an exquisite sense of attentive listening. Much like you would artfully pick up on subtle cues from a client to expertly cater to their needs, deciphering a child’s non-verbal cues can be the make-or-break factor between a serene bedtime routine and a raucous, sleep-evading escapade.

Presenting Your Case:

Imagine a triumphant sales pitch: it’s reminiscent of persuading a resistant toddler to embrace the delights of a soothing bath. Just as you’d spotlight benefits and tug at emotional strings in a corporate setting, coaxing a little one into the bathtub transcends mere cleansing; it evolves into a grand aquatic expedition!

Handling Objections:

Negotiating with a determined child, adamant about sporting a superhero cape to the grocery store, mirrors the diplomatic dance of addressing client objections. Acknowledge their concerns, offer alternatives, and sometimes, a dash of compromise can pave a surprisingly smooth path.

Creative Problem-Solving:

Much like you’d brainstorm innovative solutions to cater to a client’s demands, conjuring imaginative ways to transform broccoli into enchanting miniature trees has the magical ability to convert a fussy eater into an enthusiastic veggie crusader.

The Power of Timing:

Timing reigns supreme — whether it’s nailing the closure of a business deal at the opportune moment or orchestrating a toddler’s nap schedule like a seasoned conductor. Attempting negotiation during a meltdown or right after a hearty lunch might not yield the desired outcomes in either scenario.

Win-Win Outcome:

Both arenas champion the coveted win-win scenario. Bestowing a child with a sense of agency in picking bedtime stories can be as gratifying as clinching an advantageous deal for your corporate clientele.

Patience and Persistence:

The virtues of boundless patience and relentless persistence seamlessly thread through both the realm of intricate business negotiations and the nuanced choreography of handling kids. Consistency remains the cornerstone, whether you’re chasing quarterly sales targets or embarking on the potty-training odyssey.


The art of negotiation, a universe brimming with strategy, empathy, and adaptability, transcends boundaries — be it orchestrating multimillion-dollar contracts or navigating the whims of a pint-sized human. While the stakes might differ, the tactics employed share an uncanny resemblance.

So, the next time you’re sealing a contract set to revolutionise the game, keep in mind that the art of negotiation extends far beyond the conference table. And remember, you might not need to persuade your client to munch on peas, but the artistry of negotiation remains the star of the show!

Harnessing the Power of Hyperautomation and AI to Transform Your Business

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

As an Alliances Director at Salesforce, I’m excited about how our investment in RPA (Robotic Process Automation) last year, coupled with our pivot to CRM + Data + AI, and embedding a trusted generative AI solution into Salesforce, can drive significant value for our partners and customers.

Hyperautomation is the future of work. It’s not about replacing humans, but about augmenting their capabilities and freeing them up to do more strategic work.” — Michael Chui, Managing Director, McKinsey Global Institute

Hyperautomation is the convergence of various technologies, including RPA, generative AI, and other advanced tools, to automate business processes.

By adopting hyperautomation and AI, businesses can realise a range of benefits, including:

  1. Reduced costs: Studies have shown that automating back-office processes can result in cost savings of up to 30% (McKinsey).
  2. Improved customer satisfaction: Using AI-powered chatbots to answer customer queries can reduce average wait times by 50%, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced churn (Gartner).
  3. Increased productivity: Businesses utilising RPA can experience productivity gains of up to 30% by automating repetitive tasks and freeing up employees for more strategic work (IDC).
  4. Enhanced decision-making: Leveraging AI to analyse data can enable real-time insights, empowering businesses to make better decisions and potentially increase revenue by up to 20% (Capgemini).

AI is the most powerful tool that businesses have ever had at their disposal. It can be used to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer service.” — Salesforce

The potential impact of hyperautomation and AI is substantial, and businesses that fail to embrace these technologies risk falling behind in today’s competitive landscape.

To adopt hyperautomation and AI in your business, consider the following approaches:

  1. Invest in RPA solutions: Automate repetitive and manual tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and customer account management.
  2. Explore generative AI solutions: Utilise AI to create personalised content, such as text, images, and videos, enhancing customer experiences and driving marketing innovation.
  3. Leverage comprehensive platforms: Invest in platforms that combine RPA and generative AI to automate a broader range of processes, maximising efficiency and operational impact.

At Salesforce, we are committed to empowering our partners and customers with these transformative technologies. Our focus on CRM + Data + AI, along with our RPA capabilities and integration of generative AI within Salesforce, positions us to deliver immense value to your business.

If you’re interested in exploring how hyperautomation and AI can revolutionise your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can discuss your specific needs and develop tailored solutions to propel your business forward.

“The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.” — Leonard I. Sweet

Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey!

The views expressed in this blog post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, my colleagues, or any other organisation.

Conquering Business, Love, and Life with Rugby’s Unstoppable Power

In today’s uncertain world, where the winds of change blow unpredictably, we find ourselves seeking stability and strength in the people around us. Whether it’s navigating through political turmoil, economic fluctuations, or social unrest, we yearn for individuals who can weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. And in this quest for steadfast companionship, there is a rising star: the rugby prop.

Amidst the chaos and unpredictability, rugby props are garnering attention and becoming increasingly sought-after by companies, as love interests, and by all people in general. These behemoth athletes possess a unique combination of qualities that make them the epitome of reliability, adaptability, endurance, and loyalty. They are the rock-solid foundation upon which we can build our lives, the giants with an authoritative presence, and the versatile warriors who never back down from a challenge.

“When life throws you a curveball, call in a prop — they know how to handle any odd-shaped ball!” — Comic Prop Guru

When the ground beneath our feet feels shaky, we crave the unwavering reliability that rugby props bring to the table. They are the dependable pillars upon which teams, friendships, and relationships can rest. Like the unyielding rock formations that withstand the test of time, props are there to support, protect, and provide stability in a world that seems to be in constant flux.

“The secret to success? Just find a prop and hold on tight!” — Prop Whisperer

Their commanding presence is a sight to behold. With the stature of giants, rugby props enter a room and captivate attention effortlessly. People can’t help but take notice, drawn to their magnetic aura of authority. In the midst of uncertainty, having a prop by your side ensures that you stand tall and command attention, no matter the circumstances.

“Props: making ordinary doorways feel like low-hanging obstacles since forever!” — The Prop Perspective

But props are not merely immovable objects; they are versatile warriors ready to adapt to any challenge. Just as they shift their positions in the scrum to counter the opposition, they possess the ability to navigate diverse situations in the workplace, social circles, and intimate relationships. Their adaptability is a testament to their resilience and their innate understanding that flexibility is key to triumphing over adversity.

“Who needs a Swiss Army knife when you have a prop? They’ve got more moves than a salsa dancer!” — The Prop’s Playbook

Endurance is the cornerstone of a prop’s character. In a sport that demands physical and mental fortitude, they rise to the occasion, persevering through the gruelling battles on the field. The same unwavering tenacity that allows them to withstand the rigours of rugby is also displayed in their professional lives. They are the ones who stay the course, going the extra mile when others falter, and emerging victorious even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

“Props: the masters of endurance training — running into walls repeatedly builds character!” — Fitness Coach for Props

Loyalty, the lifeblood of strong connections, flows through the veins of rugby props. In the brotherhood of the scrum, they stand shoulder to shoulder, committed to supporting their teammates. This unwavering loyalty extends beyond the field, making them friends you can always count on and partners who will stay by your side through thick and thin. They are the steadfast pillars of love and devotion that provide stability and unwavering support when everything else feels uncertain.

“Prop love is like a scrum — once you’re in, there’s no getting out!” — The Love Prop

So, in a world where uncertainty seems to reign supreme, the rise of the rugby prop is no surprise. Their unwavering reliability, commanding presence, adaptability, enduring tenacity, and unwavering loyalty make them the epitome of the steadfast individuals we need by our side. Companies seek their strength, friends cherish their companionship, and love interests are captivated by their unwavering devotion. In the face of life’s challenges, turn to the rugby prop, the rock-solid giant who will help you weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. With a prop on your team, you’ll tackle the triple threat of business, love, and life with unstoppable power!

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