Title: Mastering the Art of Negotiation: From Complex Deals to Toddler Tussles

Sales recruiters, gather ‘round for a tip that might just change the game!

Picture this: I was at the playground with my spirited 4-year-old last week, deep in negotiations over how many more rounds he could conquer on the colossal blue slide before we reluctantly called it a day. Now, here’s the golden nugget I discovered — if you want to assess someone’s sales prowess, watch them skillfully convince a young child to bid farewell to a playground paradise!

As someone who’s clocked in years ‘in sales’ and now a few more years ‘in parenting,’ I’ve stumbled upon a fascinating revelation. The skills honed in my professional life have remarkably intertwined with the ones necessary for running a household, and vice versa.

Negotiation, a true art form, doesn’t just exist within the confines of the conference room. It traverses boundaries, encompassing everything from sealing million-dollar business deals to orchestrating the delicate dance of persuading a tiny human to embrace their vegetables.

In this blog post, we’re set to embark on a delightful exploration of the astonishing parallels between the intricate realm of business negotiations and the delightful, if occasionally challenging, art of managing a determined pre-schooler.

Active Listening:

Both arenas demand an exquisite sense of attentive listening. Much like you would artfully pick up on subtle cues from a client to expertly cater to their needs, deciphering a child’s non-verbal cues can be the make-or-break factor between a serene bedtime routine and a raucous, sleep-evading escapade.

Presenting Your Case:

Imagine a triumphant sales pitch: it’s reminiscent of persuading a resistant toddler to embrace the delights of a soothing bath. Just as you’d spotlight benefits and tug at emotional strings in a corporate setting, coaxing a little one into the bathtub transcends mere cleansing; it evolves into a grand aquatic expedition!

Handling Objections:

Negotiating with a determined child, adamant about sporting a superhero cape to the grocery store, mirrors the diplomatic dance of addressing client objections. Acknowledge their concerns, offer alternatives, and sometimes, a dash of compromise can pave a surprisingly smooth path.

Creative Problem-Solving:

Much like you’d brainstorm innovative solutions to cater to a client’s demands, conjuring imaginative ways to transform broccoli into enchanting miniature trees has the magical ability to convert a fussy eater into an enthusiastic veggie crusader.

The Power of Timing:

Timing reigns supreme — whether it’s nailing the closure of a business deal at the opportune moment or orchestrating a toddler’s nap schedule like a seasoned conductor. Attempting negotiation during a meltdown or right after a hearty lunch might not yield the desired outcomes in either scenario.

Win-Win Outcome:

Both arenas champion the coveted win-win scenario. Bestowing a child with a sense of agency in picking bedtime stories can be as gratifying as clinching an advantageous deal for your corporate clientele.

Patience and Persistence:

The virtues of boundless patience and relentless persistence seamlessly thread through both the realm of intricate business negotiations and the nuanced choreography of handling kids. Consistency remains the cornerstone, whether you’re chasing quarterly sales targets or embarking on the potty-training odyssey.


The art of negotiation, a universe brimming with strategy, empathy, and adaptability, transcends boundaries — be it orchestrating multimillion-dollar contracts or navigating the whims of a pint-sized human. While the stakes might differ, the tactics employed share an uncanny resemblance.

So, the next time you’re sealing a contract set to revolutionise the game, keep in mind that the art of negotiation extends far beyond the conference table. And remember, you might not need to persuade your client to munch on peas, but the artistry of negotiation remains the star of the show!

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