Navigating the Salesforce Ecosystem: A GROWTH Strategy for Tech Sales Success

In the fast-paced world of tech sales, particularly within the vibrant Salesforce ecosystem, staying ahead isn’t just a necessity—it’s an art. Drawing from my experiences and insights shared on, I propose the GROWTH strategy, a tailored approach for those aiming to excel in this dynamic domain.

G – Goal-setting: Your Salesforce Compass

Embarking on a Salesforce journey begins with clear, specific goals. Whether it’s about mastering a new Salesforce product or enhancing client relations, goal-setting helps chart a course through the ever-evolving landscape of tech sales. As I’ve often emphasised (for example in “Unleashing Your Trailblazing Edge), aligning these goals with both market trends and personal career aspirations ensures a strategic approach to success.

R – Resilience: Navigating Salesforce’s Changing Tides

Salesforce is ever-changing. In “Partnering for Success: The TRUST Formula in Salesforce Alliances,” resilience is highlighted as a key factor in thriving amidst these changes, turning challenges into opportunities with a positive mindset. Resilience in the Salesforce ecosystem means adapting to rapid changes and innovations. It’s about transforming challenges into opportunities, such as leveraging new Salesforce features to distinguish your sales pitch. This adaptability is crucial in an environment where the only constant is change.

O – Opportunities: Tapping Into Salesforce’s Rich Network

Salesforce is a goldmine of learning and networking opportunities. Engage with the Salesforce community, attend key events like Dreamforce, and join user groups. These platforms offer invaluable insights and connections, fostering a deeper understanding of Salesforce’s capabilities and market trends. Every interaction is a chance to grow.

W – Wisdom: Gleaning Insights from the Salesforce Journey

In tech sales, wisdom is garnered from a blend of market knowledge, customer understanding, and Salesforce expertise. This insight often stems from collective experiences, be it through client feedback or interactions with fellow Salesforce professionals.

Gleaning insights from experiences, as shared in “7 Key Takeaways from Outliers for a Successful Career in Salesforce,” enriches your Salesforce journey. Learning from successes and failures alike is crucial for growth.

T – Time Management: Balancing Sales with Salesforce Mastery

Effective time management in tech sales means striking a balance between client engagement and staying up-to-date with Salesforce advancements. Dedicate time to both sales activities and learning new features, ensuring that you remain a step ahead in both client relations and technical expertise. As discussed in “The Power of Timing: How Deadlines and Midpoints Shape Sales Success,” effective time management is essential in navigating the demands of tech sales.

H – Holistic Development: Beyond Technical Prowess

While technical skills in Salesforce are essential, holistic development, encompassing soft skills like communication and strategic thinking, is what truly sets apart a successful sales leader. These skills enhance your sales approach and elevate your interactions with clients and colleagues alike. In “Unleashing Your Trailblazing Edge: Differentiating as a Salesforce Partner,” the importance of diverse skills, including technical prowess and interpersonal skills, is emphasised for success in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Embracing Best Practices in Salesforce Tech Sales

  1. Digital and Social Selling: Harness digital platforms for client engagement and content sharing, showcasing your Salesforce acumen.
  2. Customer-Centric Strategy: Tailor your sales approach to meet the unique needs of your clients, leveraging Salesforce’s diverse tools.
  3. Data-Driven Sales: Utilize Salesforce analytics to inform and refine your sales strategies.
  4. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with Salesforce certifications and training to maintain a competitive edge.
  5. Thought Leadership: Share your Salesforce journey and insights, contributing to the broader community and enhancing your professional standing.

In conclusion, adopting the GROWTH strategy within the Salesforce tech sales domain is not just about individual success; it’s about shaping and contributing to the larger Salesforce community. Through goal-setting, resilience, seizing opportunities, wisdom, time management, and holistic development, you not only navigate your career path but also pave the way for others to follow. As I’ve shared through my blog and professional journey, embracing this approach leads to not just success, but a fulfilling and impactful career in the Salesforce ecosystem.

A Pigment of Unexpected Lessons in Parenting and Business

Who would have thought that the whimsical escapades of a charming little pig could echo through the corridors of our homes and even into the boardrooms of our professional lives? As a parent, witnessing my son’s adoration for Peppa Pig has been both endearing and enlightening. It’s brought a touch of British charm into our lives, and yes, maybe even influenced his accent. But beyond the entertainment, I’ve found myself reflecting on the substance of what he watches and how it translates into educational value, not just for him, but surprisingly, for myself as a business professiona

Embracing Diversity with a Splash of Muddy Puddles

In Peppa’s world, a diverse cast of characters coexists harmoniously, teaching our little ones the beauty of inclusion subtly. This is a lesson that we carry into the corporate sphere—valuing diversity not just as a metric but as a catalyst for growth and innovation. “You mustn’t touch things that don’t belong to you,” echoes a voice from the show, a simple yet profound principle of respect that applies as much to business ethics as it does to playroom etiquette.

Clear Communication: A Family Affair

The Pig family’s knack for clear expression is not only a tool for building social skills among children but a stark reminder of the power of effective communication in business. Whether it’s navigating team dynamics or managing client expectations, the clarity and openness that characters like Peppa and George embody are qualities that can transform professional interactions.

Learning from Mistakes: The Resilience Factor

Peppa and George’s misadventures often culminate in valuable lessons, underscoring the importance of learning from mistakes—a vital life skill that fosters resilience. In the fast-paced world of business, adopting this growth mindset turns setbacks into stepping stones, propelling us forward.

The Synergy of Teamwork

“It’s not winning that matters, but taking part,” Daddy Pig advises, a sentiment that encapsulates the essence of teamwork. Peppa’s adventures often hinge on collaboration, a theme that resonates deeply within the fabric of a successful business environment where collective effort is the cornerstone of success.

The Innovation of Play

Peppa’s infectious playfulness is a reminder of the sheer potential that lies in creativity and imagination. It’s a potent reminder for us in the corporate realm to step back from our structured routines and engage in creative ‘play’—to innovate, imagine, and inspire.

The Reality of Screen Time and Real-Time Play

Amidst these pearls of wisdom, we find ourselves balancing the scales of screen time and active play. The pragmatic approach acknowledges our imperfections as parents when the TV babysits a little too long, especially at the end of a tiring week. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises no more than one hour of quality programming for young children, urging parents to co-view to foster understanding and relate the content to tangible experiences.

In business, as in parenting, we’re reminded that our best efforts are what truly count. We navigate through the ‘muddy puddles’ of our careers, armed with the simple yet profound lessons that shows like Peppa Pig can offer. It’s about embracing the mess, learning from every stumble, and cherishing the playfulness that sparks innovation.

In weaving together the fabric of our children’s moral compass through shows like Peppa Pig, we inadvertently stitch together our own tapestry of professional wisdom. So, as we tune in to the next episode with our little ones, let’s listen a little closer. There might just be a nugget of wisdom nestled between the snorts and giggles, waiting to be applied in our next business meeting or strategy session. After all, the foundational values of our youth often lay the groundwork for our future, whether we’re building sandcastles or empires.

The Playbook of Leadership: Coaching for Empathy, Growth, and Excellence

In the competitive arena of business, akin to a high-stakes game, a thought-provoking question was raised among us at Salesforce: What truly separates a manager from a leader?

This question goes beyond mere semantics; it’s a deep dive into the core of organisational influence and the growth of our professional selves. Reflecting on this, it’s evident that the most impactful leaders in my career journey have excelled not just in their ability to manage but in their innate capacity for true leadership—much like a seasoned coach who doesn’t just call the plays but inspires the team to greatness.

Leadership: The Coach of the Corporate Field

In the world of sports, as in business, leadership is less about holding a title and more about the ability to rally a team towards a common goal. It’s about coaching a diverse group of players to perform harmoniously, each bringing their unique strengths to the game.

Empathy: The Team’s Cohesion Force

Empathy in leadership is like the unspoken bond in a well-oiled team. It’s the coach’s ability to understand each player’s strengths and weaknesses, aspirations, and fears. This emotional intelligence fosters a team spirit that can weather losses and celebrate victories together. It’s about creating a locker room where every player knows they are an integral part of the team’s success.

Visionary Insight: The Game Plan for Success

A great coach always has a game plan, a vision for how to win not just the game but the season. This strategic foresight involves recognizing talent, anticipating challenges, and seizing opportunities. It’s about inspiring the team with a compelling vision of what they are working towards, much like a quarterback who can read the field and adjust the play accordingly.

Inspirational Influence: The Rallying Cry

The most memorable coaches are those who can deliver a rallying cry that resonates with every player, pushing them to dig deeper and reach higher. Inspirational influence is about igniting passion and commitment, much like a halftime speech that turns the tide of the game.

Courageous Authenticity: Playing with Heart

Authenticity in leadership is about being the coach who leads by example, who plays with heart, and isn’t afraid to take the tough calls. It’s about showing up, being present, and leading with integrity, whether the team is facing a winning streak or a losing battle.

Adaptive Resilience: The Comeback Strategy

Resilience is key in sports and business alike. It’s the coach’s ability to adapt the strategy mid-game, to help the team bounce back from setbacks. This resilience is what builds a team’s character and cements their legacy in the annals of the game.

Empowering Delegation: Building a Team of Leaders

Great coaches know they can’t play every position. They delegate, empowering players to take ownership of their roles, make calls, and lead on the field. This delegation builds a team of leaders who can operate seamlessly, even when the coach isn’t calling the shots.

Continuous Learning: The Pursuit of Mastery

The best coaches are lifelong students of the game. They instill this love for learning in their players, always analyzing plays, refining skills, and studying the competition. This commitment to continuous improvement keeps the team competitive and at the forefront of the game.

Active Listening: The Strategy Huddle

Active listening is the coach’s tool for understanding the needs of the team. It’s about listening to the players in the huddle, taking in their on-the-ground insights, and adjusting the game plan accordingly. This two-way communication is crucial for adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the game.

Constant Striving: The Championship Mindset

Finally, the drive for excellence is what separates the good from the great. It’s the coach’s relentless pursuit of the championship mindset, setting the bar high and challenging the team to leap over it. It’s about fostering a culture where good enough is never enough when greatness is within reach.

In the grand scheme of things, the essence of leadership is not captured in the scoreboards or trophy cases but in the growth of the team, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the pursuit of excellence at every turn. As we navigate the corporate field, let’s draw inspiration from the great coaches and players who remind us that leadership is about bringing out the best in everyone, playing with purpose, and, above all, uniting to achieve a common goal.

From the Rugby Field to the Boardroom: Rebuilding and Winning in Technology Sales

(Alternative title: Looking for silver linings in the clouds).


As a devoted England fan, I couldn’t help but feel the rollercoaster of emotions during the recent Rugby World Cup semi-final between England and South Africa. A day later, I’m still coming to terms with the result, but I find solace in the valuable lessons it can teach us about resilience, adaptability, and leadership, which I believe are crucial not only for future rugby success but also in my world of technology sales.

Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Watching England’s performance in the semi-final, it was clear that setbacks are part and parcel of any game, just as they are in business. Regardless of the outcome, the ability to bounce back and learn from adversity is crucial. In the world of technology sales, where the market can be as unpredictable as a rugby match, I draw inspiration from Angela Duckworth’s book “Grit,” which highlights how perseverance and resilience play a pivotal role in achieving long-term goals.

Adaptability: Changing Strategies on the Fly

One of the most intriguing aspects of the game was South Africa’s strategic substitution of their fly-half, Handre Pollard. This move underscored the importance of adaptability, which resonates deeply in the world of technology sales. Just as a rugby team needs to change tactics to secure victory, technology sales teams often find themselves needing to pivot quickly to respond to changing client needs and market dynamics. For a deeper understanding, I recommend reading Carol Dweck’s “Mindset,” which emphasizes the value of a growth mindset in adapting to new challenges and evolving circumstances.

Leadership: The Owen Farrell Effect

Owen Farrell’s decision to attempt a game-changing drop goal was a defining moment in the match. It showcased the significance of leadership, especially in high-pressure situations. In technology sales, leadership is just as critical. Being the captain of your team, making crucial decisions under pressure, and inspiring others to perform at their best are pivotal to success. For an in-depth exploration, Simon Sinek’s “Leaders Eat Last” is an excellent read, underlining the role of leaders in making critical choices for the team’s success.

Team Collaboration: The Power of Working Together

Collaboration and teamwork were at the heart of both teams’ performances in the semi-final. These principles mirror the essence of technology sales, where effective teamwork and collaboration are essential for achieving shared goals and ensuring the success of complex projects. For a deeper understanding of teamwork dynamics, I recommend reading Patrick Lencioni’s “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” which serves as my compass, reminding me of the power of collaboration and trust within a team.

Goal Setting and Motivation: The Road to Success

The Rugby World Cup is a testament to the power of goal setting and motivation. Setting clear objectives can drive motivation and success. In technology sales, setting specific and challenging goals is key to motivating myself and my team to excel. For a deeper dive into goal-setting theory, I suggest exploring Edwin A. Locke’s work on the subject, which mirrors my belief in the importance of setting ambitious objectives to inspire outstanding performance.

Conclusion: Transforming Business with Sporting Wisdom

As I reflect on the Rugby World Cup semi-final and come to terms with the result, I’m reminded that success in both sports and technology sales is about more than just the final score. It’s about the journey, the lessons learned, and the continuous pursuit of improvement.

Just as England will bounce back, learn from their experiences, and strive for future victories, I, too, am committed to applying these sporting lessons to my career in technology sales. By embracing resilience, adaptability, leadership, teamwork, and the power of clear goals, I am determined to rebuild and win in the ever-evolving landscape of technology sales.

Let the lessons from the rugby field inspire you to face challenges head-on, adapt to the changing landscape, and lead your team to success in technology sales. Just as in rugby, we may not always win, but with the right mindset and a resilient spirit, victory is achievable, and success is within reach.

Drawing Leadership Wisdom from “Ted Lasso”

Recently, while immersing myself in the world of Ted Lasso alongside my wife, I found that beneath the laughter lay an array of valuable life lessons. These insights, delivered through Ted’s unique lens, are far from confined to the screen. They seamlessly translate into the world of business, offering a fresh perspective on management, sales, and life itself.

Ted Lasso isn’t your run-of-the-mill comedy series. It’s a delightful blend of humour and profound management insights that often catches viewers off guard. Here’s a seamless blend of Ted’s wisdom, signposted by his most popular quotes, with a focus on how it can help you succeed in the business world:

“Believe in believe.”

Belief is a powerful force in the workplace. Ted Lasso’s unwavering faith in himself and his team illustrates the transformative power of self-confidence. Believing in your own abilities and your team can be the catalyst for remarkable success.

Foster a culture of self-belief. Create an environment where your team members feel empowered to take on challenges and believe in their ability to succeed.

  • Celebrate small successes. This helps to reinforce positive beliefs and build momentum.
  • Provide regular feedback. Highlight your team members’ strengths and accomplishments, and offer constructive feedback to help them grow.

“Be curious, not judgmental.”

Ted’s curiosity and open-mindedness create a positive and collaborative environment. This attitude fuels innovation, fosters better relationships, and opens new doors in the world of business.

  • Encourage curiosity. Ask questions, listen actively, and be open to new ideas.
  • Create a safe space for people to share their thoughts and perspectives. Value diversity and promote inclusion.
  • Be willing to learn from others. Never stop growing and developing your own skills and knowledge.

“It’s okay to be sad sometimes. It’s part of being alive.”

Ted’s acknowledgement of emotions underscores the importance of a supportive workplace. Allowing people to express their feelings creates a healthier work-life balance, which, in turn, boosts overall well-being and productivity.

  • Promote a healthy work-life balance. Offer your team members the flexibility and resources they need to manage their personal and professional commitments.
  • Create a culture of psychological safety. Encourage your team members to feel comfortable expressing their emotions, both positive and negative.
  • Provide support and resources. Offer access to mental health resources and employee assistance programs.

“I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure ice cream cures most things.”

While not a literal prescription, this quote playfully reminds us of the significance of self-care, especially during challenging times. In the midst of professional commitments, taking time for simple pleasures is essential for maintaining balance.

  • Encourage your team members to take breaks and recharge. Offer flexible work arrangements and promote vacation time.
  • Provide opportunities for social connection and team bonding. This could include team lunches, happy hours, or other events.
  • Recognize and appreciate your team members’ hard work. Show them that you value their contributions and that you’re invested in their well-being.


Ted Lasso’s wisdom is a treasure trove of life lessons that are applicable to all aspects of our lives, including the business world. By embracing Ted’s principles of self-belief, curiosity, compassion, and self-care, we can create a more positive and productive work environment, foster innovation and creativity, and help our team members achieve their full potential.

So, next time you’re facing a challenge at work, remember Ted Lasso. Believe in yourself, be curious, be kind, and always believe.

Triumph Beyond Rankings: The Business Symphony of Experience and Resilience

South Africa celebrating victory. Source:

This weekend’s Quarter Final clashes in the Rugby World Cup, featuring the formidable rugby powerhouses Ireland and New Zealand, alongside the gripping duel between France and South Africa, went beyond delivering mere thrills for fervent fans. It was a spectacle that unravelled a profound lesson, one extending far beyond the confines of the rugby field — a lesson resounding in the boardrooms and sales arenas: the pivotal importance of experience and resilience when navigating high-pressure situations.

As the rugby world witnessed the top-ranked teams succumb to their challengers, the undercurrent of this spectacle reveals a narrative often overlooked in the business world. The defeats of Ireland and France, despite their global standing, underscore the reality that the current form is not always the sole determinant of success. Much like in business, where market trends and individual performance metrics may fluctuate, the ability to rise above temporary setbacks requires a deeper well of experience.

The Scientific Symphony of Sports Psychology

Numerous studies in sports psychology validate the idea that experience and past success play pivotal roles in high-pressure situations. Dr. Sian Beilock, a cognitive scientist, in her book Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To, explores how performance under pressure is deeply linked to the brain’s ability to process information. In essence, individuals with a wealth of experience have honed their cognitive responses, enabling them to navigate stressful situations more effectively.

Moreover, the concept of “resilience training” is gaining momentum in sports psychology. Athletes, much like sales professionals, encounter setbacks, rejection, and challenging moments. Those with a history of triumphs not only possess the skills needed to overcome obstacles but also the mental toughness to persist through adversity.

The Business Arena

In the sales and business arena, the parallels are striking. Individuals facing a momentary dip in performance can draw inspiration from the rugby upsets. Perhaps you’re not at the top of your game currently, but your past victories are a testament to your capabilities. Like a seasoned rugby team that has clinched World Cups, your prior successes have equipped you with the experience and resilience needed to weather storms.

In sales, where rejection can be a common challenge, the ability to draw on past accomplishments becomes a potent weapon. It’s not just about current numbers; it’s about the journey you’ve traversed and the skills you’ve cultivated. Your metaphorical World Cups — those moments of triumph and achievement — act as a reservoir of strength when the scoreboard seems unfavourable.

Rising Above the Challenge

Embrace the challenge, for it is the crucible in which experience is forged into resilience. Reflect on your past victories, both big and small, and recognize the wealth of knowledge they represent. This is your playbook — a compendium of strategies and tactics that have led to success before.

Much like a seasoned rugby team bounces back from a defeat, your resilience in the face of setbacks will determine your trajectory. Tap into the mental reserves cultivated through experience, for they are the bedrock upon which you can build a path to triumph.

Here are some specific tips for using your experience and resilience to succeed in business:

  • Analyze your past successes and failures. What went well? What could have been improved? Learning from your experiences will help you make better decisions in the future.
  • Develop a growth mindset. Believe that you can learn and grow, even from setbacks. This mindset will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.
  • Build a strong support network. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you. They can offer encouragement and guidance when you need it most.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how small they may seem, take the time to acknowledge your successes. This will help you build confidence and stay motivated.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs along the way. But by embracing your experience and resilience, you can overcome any challenge and achieve your goals.


The recent rugby showdowns remind us that rankings and current form are but transient markers in the grand scheme of success. Business, like sports, is a journey filled with peaks and valleys. Your journey, with its highs and lows, is a mosaic of experiences that uniquely positions you to triumph over challenges. So, step onto the field of business with the confidence born from past victories, and let the symphony of your experience guide you to new heights.

Additional thoughts

In addition to the tips above, I would also recommend that you:

  • Be patient. It takes time to build experience and resilience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep working hard and learning from your mistakes.
  • Be persistent. There will be times when you want to give up. But don’t. Remember why you started and keep pushing forward.
  • Be positive. A positive attitude will help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Even when things are tough, try to find the silver lining.

I believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in business. It all comes down to having the right mindset and being willing to put in the work. By embracing your experience and resilience, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Balancing the Scrum: Lessons for Australian Rugby and Business

Wallabies prop Pone Fa’amausili at the end of the 2023 Rugby World Cup Pool C match against Wales. Photograph: Sébastien Bozon/AFP/Getty Images,

Australia’s now almost inevitable Rugby World Cup exit with a young and inexperienced team, coupled with the omission of seasoned players like Michael Hooper and Quade Cooper, has sparked a conversation about the delicate interplay between youth and experience in Australian rugby.

This scenario, though rooted in the world of sports, holds valuable lessons not just for Australian rugby but also for the broader domains of business and technology sales. Drawing inspiration from Malcolm Gladwell’s game-changing concept, the 10,000-hour rule, we can explore how each sector can mutually benefit from the optimal blend of youthful vigour and seasoned wisdom.

The 10,000-Hour Rule and Expertise

Malcolm Gladwell’s groundbreaking work, “Outliers,” has indelibly influenced our understanding of achieving mastery across various fields. The 10,000-hour rule, his hallmark concept, underscores the profound significance of extensive practice and unwavering dedication in the journey toward excellence. This principle holds true across diverse domains, encompassing rugby, business, and technology sales, making it imperative to delve deeper into its implications.

In rugby, this rule resonates through the countless hours of rigorous training, skill refinement, and match experience that players accumulate over their careers. From mastering complex plays to refining physical fitness, rugby players must dedicate themselves to relentless training regimens. For budding rugby stars, Gladwell’s rule underscores the importance of investing substantial time to refine their skills and truly excel in their craft. It serves as a poignant reminder that the path to rugby excellence is lined with countless hours of effort, whether in the gym, on the field, or studying game footage.

In the world of business, particularly within the Salesforce ecosystem, Gladwell’s insights bear equal weight. Success in the swiftly evolving tech industry necessitates not only staying abreast of cutting-edge innovations but also mastering the intricacies of Salesforce solutions. Professionals in technology sales, mirroring their rugby counterparts, must commit significant time and effort to grasp the nuances of their field, sharpen their communication and negotiation skills, and cultivate deep expertise in the products and services they represent. Similar to rugby players who train tirelessly to attain peak performance, technology sales professionals must remain dedicated to continuous learning and practice to excel in their roles.

Furthermore, Gladwell’s observations stretch to the broader business landscape. Entrepreneurs, executives, and employees alike are reminded that expertise in any industry is not an overnight achievement. It is the culmination of years of unwavering commitment, learning from setbacks, and a relentless pursuit of improvement. The 10,000-hour rule serves as a powerful catalyst for those aspiring to make a significant impact in their respective domains, emphasizing that persistence and determination are as integral as innate talent.

Navigating Australian Rugby’s Path

Accelerating Young Talent

Australia’s strategic decision to introduce young talents into the international rugby arena aligns with the belief that early exposure can accelerate growth. The infusion of fresh energy and enthusiasm can revitalize the team and cultivate long-term development. However, it is crucial to navigate this process with care, ensuring that the exuberance of youth is nurtured while avoiding the perils of burnout.

The Role of Seasoned Veterans

Michael Hooper and Quade Cooper epitomize experience and leadership. Their exclusion from the team prompts reflection on the vital contributions of mentorship, composure, and the ability to navigate high-pressure situations. These attributes hold immense value, not only in rugby but also in any team-oriented endeavour.

Lessons for Australian Rugby and Business

Achieving the Perfect Balance

Just as Australian rugby seeks to balance youthful enthusiasm with experienced guidance, businesses across industries benefit immensely from striking the right equilibrium between emerging talent and seasoned professionals. This ideal equilibrium, often referred to as the “sweet spot,” involves harnessing the innovation and drive of youth while benefiting from the sagacity and leadership of those with a wealth of experience. This blend frequently leads to optimal outcomes, both on the rugby field and in the boardroom.

Collaboration and Adaptability

The success of rugby teams and businesses alike hinges on seamless collaboration between young talents and seasoned experts. Open channels of communication, mutual respect, and the agility to adapt to evolving circumstances stand as pivotal factors that pave the path to success.


The Australian rugby landscape provides a unique vantage point for comprehending the intricate dynamics of youth and experience—a phenomenon that resonates not only in sports but also in the realms of business and technology sales. Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule serves as a universal blueprint for understanding the trajectory to mastery. Whether in the intense crucible of rugby, the dynamic milieu of business, or the swiftly changing landscape of technology sales, extensive practice and unwavering dedication stand as the bedrock of success.

These principles serve as a guiding beacon for those striving to distinguish themselves in their careers, underscoring the notion that the path to expertise is a continual journey. Each hour invested brings us closer to our goals, whether we are aspiring rugby stars, technology sales professionals, or entrepreneurs. As we reflect on the journey of Australian rugby, we are reminded that achieving success is not solely contingent on age or experience but on skilful navigation of the synergy between youth and wisdom. This equilibrium forms the cornerstone of success, both in the sporting arena and in the expansive landscape of business. The lessons gleaned from one arena can enrich and inform strategies in the other, culminating in a dynamic exchange of ideas and practices that benefits us all.

7 Key Takeaways from Outliers for a Successful Career in the Salesforce Ecosystem and Beyond

Outliers: The Story of Success

This weekend, I finished reading Malcolm Gladwell‘s eye-opening book, Outliers: The Story of Success. As I was reading, I couldn’t help but think about how the insights in the book apply to the Salesforce ecosystem and our upcoming Dreamforce event.

In Outliers, Gladwell explores the factors that contribute to extraordinary success. He argues that while talent and hard work are essential, they are not enough. He also emphasises the importance of opportunity and access to resources.

Salesforce is a company that is working to democratise opportunity and make it possible for anyone to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances. Salesforce’s free training platform, Trailhead by Salesforce, is a great example of this commitment. Trailhead provides anyone with access to the skills and knowledge they need to launch a career in Salesforce.

Dreamforce is another example of Salesforce’s commitment to opportunity and access. Dreamforce is the world’s largest customer relationship management (CRM) event and is open to anyone. Content is streamed for free on Salesforce+. At Dreamforce, attendees can learn from the best and brightest in the Salesforce ecosystem, network with other Trailblazers, and explore the latest innovations in CRM.

Here are seven key takeaways from Outliers that are relevant to the Salesforce ecosystem and Dreamforce:

1. The 10,000-Hour Rule: Master Your Craft

Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule states that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert in any field. While the 10,000-hour rule is not a magic bullet, it does highlight the importance of hard work and dedication.

Trailhead makes it easy to start with Salesforce and rack up your 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. Trailhead offers a variety of modules and trails that cover all aspects of the Salesforce platform.

Image from article: What is Trailhead:

2. The Matthew Effect: Early Opportunities Matter

The Matthew Effect is a phenomenon in which those who have already achieved success tend to have more opportunities to achieve even greater success. While the Matthew Effect can be discouraging, it is important to remember that there are always opportunities available, even to those who are just starting.

Dreamforce is a great opportunity for people of all experience levels to learn about Salesforce and to network with other Trailblazers. Dreamforce also offers a variety of sessions and workshops that are designed to help people get started with Salesforce and advance their careers.

3. Cultural and Environmental Factors: Embrace Diversity

Gladwell argues that cultural and environmental factors play a significant role in success. He points out that people from certain backgrounds are more likely to have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Salesforce is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive ecosystem. Salesforce’s Trailblazer Community is a great example of this commitment. The Trailblazer Community is a global community of Salesforce professionals who are passionate about learning and helping others.

4. Opportunity and Timing: Stay Agile

Gladwell argues that opportunity and timing play a significant role in success. He points out that people who are in the right place at the right time are more likely to succeed.

The Salesforce ecosystem is constantly evolving, and there are always new opportunities emerging. Dreamforce is a great place to learn about the latest trends and innovations in Salesforce.

5. Hard Work and Determination: Persevere

Gladwell’s emphasis on hard work and determination is universal. While there is no guarantee of success, even the most talented people need to work hard and persevere to achieve their goals.

Salesforce is a company that values hard work and determination. Salesforce’s culture is one of continuous learning and improvement. Dreamforce is a great place to be inspired by the stories of other Trailblazers who have achieved success through hard work and perseverance.

Dreamforce Magic

6. Grit and Resilience: Bounce Back

Gladwell argues that grit and resilience are essential for success. He points out that people who can bounce back from setbacks are more likely to succeed in the long run.

The Salesforce ecosystem is a supportive community where people are always willing to help each other. Dreamforce is a great place to network with other Trailblazers and learn from their experiences.

7. The Power of Community: Connect and Learn

Gladwell argues that community is important for success. He points out that people who are connected to a supportive community are more likely to succeed.

The Trailblazer Community is a global community of Salesforce professionals who are passionate about learning and helping others. Dreamforce is a great place to connect with other Trailblazers and learn from their experiences.


Outliers underscores how unique access to opportunities, education, and resources has historically created outliers. However, Salesforce’s commitment to democratising these opportunities, epitomised by Dreamforce and Trailhead, has reshaped the narrative. Success in the Salesforce ecosystem and beyond is no longer limited by privilege; it is open to anyone willing to learn, grow, and connect.

Unleashing the Spin: 5 Life and Business Lessons from Shane Warne

The legendary Shane Warne

As the Ashes unfolds in England and we go to Lords for the second test, there’s a bloody great void in the cricketing world. It’s been more than a year since the passing of one of the greatest spin bowlers of all time, Shane Warne. His absence is deeply felt, not only for his on-pitch wizardry but also for his profound insights as a commentator.

As a Brit who grew up watching the Ashes and witnessed England being challenged by Warne’s unparalleled brilliance, I couldn’t help but reflect on the invaluable lessons we can learn from this cricketing legend. Here are five principles inspired by Shane Warne that can empower us in both life and business:

1. Embrace fearlessness.

Shane Warne’s career epitomised fearlessness. He fearlessly confronted opponents and took calculated risks, no matter the circumstances. As entrepreneurs, we can adopt his bold approach by embracing challenges head-on and pushing beyond our comfort zones. Warne’s philosophy of never giving up resonates deeply: “You can’t afford to live your life with regrets.”

2. Master the art of adaptability.

Warne’s mastery of spin bowling was not solely based on his natural talent; it was the result of his relentless commitment to adapting and evolving. Similarly, in life and business, we must embrace change, continually learn, and adapt our strategies to navigate the ever-shifting landscapes. Warne understood the art of making the batsman doubt: “You can’t always bowl the same line and length. You’ve got to be able to mix it up.”

3. Cultivate mental resilience.

Cricket, like life and business, is filled with highs and lows. Warne’s ability to bounce back from setbacks is a testament to his mental resilience. He never allowed failures to define him but instead used them as stepping stones to success. His words remind us of the importance of living a regret-free life: “You’ve got to be able to cop a bit of criticism and come back stronger.”

4. Nurture strategic thinking.

Warne was not just a bowler; he was a master tactician. His strategic thinking and ability to outwit opponents were legendary. In the world of business, strategic thinking is equally crucial. Warne’s belief in the simplicity of cricket holds valuable lessons for us: “Cricket is a simple game. You just gotta outthink the other guy.”

5. Champion the power of passion.

One cannot discuss Shane Warne without acknowledging his bloody great passion for cricket. He played with unbridled enthusiasm and a love of the game that was infectious. This passion fuelled his success and inspired others around him. As we pursue our endeavours, let’s channel Warne’s passion and dedication. As he said, “If you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re never gonna be good at it.”


Shane Warne was a true legend of cricket, and his legacy will continue to inspire people for many years to come. He was a fearless competitor, a master strategist, and a passionate advocate for the game. His life and career are a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and never giving up.

Call to action:

What are your favourite memories of Shane Warne? Share them in the comments below.

Fact check:

  • Warne played 145 Test matches, taking 708 wickets with an average of 25.41.
  • In the Ashes, Warne played 36 matches, claiming 195 wickets at an average of 23.25.
  • These remarkable numbers stand as a testament to his unparalleled skill and impact on the game.

Vale ‘Warney’…

Partnering for Success: The TRUST Formula in Salesforce Alliances

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

In the dynamic world of Salesforce alliances, fostering thriving partnerships between vendor and partners is essential for driving customer success.

With a play on our number one value here at Salesforce I have created the TRUST formula — a blueprint for effective partnering — rooted in Salesforce’s core value of trust. Drawing inspiration from industry professionals and key partners, I’ve uncovered some valuable insights and advice that will empower you to create impactful alliances in the Salesforce ecosystem.

T — Transparent Collaboration: Building Strong Foundations

“Transparency and open communication are the bedrock of successful alliances. By fostering trust and ensuring alignment, we can create a strong foundation for collaboration and drive customer success.” — Sarah Franklin, EVP & GM, Platform, Trailhead, and AppExchange, Salesforce [¹^]

Transparent collaboration is key to establishing trust. Use secure communication channels to protect sensitive data and foster open dialogue. Regularly communicate and update partners on important information, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Celebrate successes together to reinforce morale and deepen the partnership.

R — Responsive to Customer Needs: Tailoring Solutions for Success

“Adapting to customer needs is critical in forging strong alliances. By actively listening and tailoring our solutions to address their unique challenges, we can drive exceptional customer success and build lasting partnerships.” — Tyler Prince, EVP, Worldwide Alliances & Channels, Salesforce [²^]

Being responsive to customer needs is essential. Utilise customer feedback to iterate and improve their experience. Develop a deep understanding of their journey, going the extra mile to address their challenges. Proactively identify and resolve issues, building strong relationships based on mutual success.

U — Unite in Regular Communication: Amplifying Collaboration

“Regular communication is vital for the success of any partnership. By fostering open dialogue and sharing insights, we can align our efforts, solve challenges, and drive joint success.” — Cindy Bolt, SVP, Global Alliances & Channels, Salesforce [³^]

Effective communication forms the bridge for successful partnerships. Set clear expectations and goals from the outset. Establish a robust communication plan using various channels to stay connected. Embrace transparency, honesty, and compromise to nurture trust and celebrate achievements together.

S — Shared Celebrations: Fostering Camaraderie and Innovation

“Shared celebrations reinforce the power of partnerships. By recognising and celebrating milestones and successes together, we foster a sense of camaraderie and inspire continued collaboration and innovation.” — Neeracha Taychakhoonavudh, SVP, Partner Programs & Marketing, Salesforce [⁴^]

Celebrate every milestone, big or small, to demonstrate appreciation and reinforce the partnership’s value. Personalise celebrations to make them meaningful and enjoyable. Reflect on accomplishments and set goals for the future. Through shared celebrations, foster a sense of camaraderie that fuels ongoing collaboration and innovation.

T — Thrive on Salesforce’s Core Value of Trust: Building Long-Term Success

“Trust is the foundation of our ecosystem. By delivering secure, reliable, and innovative solutions, we build trust with our partners and customers, enabling long-term success and growth.” — Gavin Patterson, President & CEO, Salesforce [⁵^]

Delivering secure, reliable, and innovative solutions builds trust. Be accountable and reliable in your dealings, transparent in sharing information, and respectful in your interactions. By embodying Salesforce’s core value of trust, you lay the groundwork for enduring partnerships that drive customer success and mutual growth.

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash


By embracing the TRUST formula and implementing the best practices highlighted in this blog post, you can maximise your chances of success in the Salesforce ecosystem. Remember, trust is the bedrock of any prosperous partnership. Cultivate transparency, responsiveness, unity through communication, shared celebrations, and a commitment to Salesforce’s core value


[1]: Source:

[2]: Source:

[3]: Source:

[4]: Source: [5]: Source:

[5]: Source:

[6]: Source: Salesforce Economic Impact Report —

[7]: Source: Salesforce State of the Partner Ecosystem Report —

[8]: Source: Nucleus Research Study —

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