Title: Mastering the Art of Negotiation: From Complex Deals to Toddler Tussles

Sales recruiters, gather ‘round for a tip that might just change the game!

Picture this: I was at the playground with my spirited 4-year-old last week, deep in negotiations over how many more rounds he could conquer on the colossal blue slide before we reluctantly called it a day. Now, here’s the golden nugget I discovered — if you want to assess someone’s sales prowess, watch them skillfully convince a young child to bid farewell to a playground paradise!

As someone who’s clocked in years ‘in sales’ and now a few more years ‘in parenting,’ I’ve stumbled upon a fascinating revelation. The skills honed in my professional life have remarkably intertwined with the ones necessary for running a household, and vice versa.

Negotiation, a true art form, doesn’t just exist within the confines of the conference room. It traverses boundaries, encompassing everything from sealing million-dollar business deals to orchestrating the delicate dance of persuading a tiny human to embrace their vegetables.

In this blog post, we’re set to embark on a delightful exploration of the astonishing parallels between the intricate realm of business negotiations and the delightful, if occasionally challenging, art of managing a determined pre-schooler.

Active Listening:

Both arenas demand an exquisite sense of attentive listening. Much like you would artfully pick up on subtle cues from a client to expertly cater to their needs, deciphering a child’s non-verbal cues can be the make-or-break factor between a serene bedtime routine and a raucous, sleep-evading escapade.

Presenting Your Case:

Imagine a triumphant sales pitch: it’s reminiscent of persuading a resistant toddler to embrace the delights of a soothing bath. Just as you’d spotlight benefits and tug at emotional strings in a corporate setting, coaxing a little one into the bathtub transcends mere cleansing; it evolves into a grand aquatic expedition!

Handling Objections:

Negotiating with a determined child, adamant about sporting a superhero cape to the grocery store, mirrors the diplomatic dance of addressing client objections. Acknowledge their concerns, offer alternatives, and sometimes, a dash of compromise can pave a surprisingly smooth path.

Creative Problem-Solving:

Much like you’d brainstorm innovative solutions to cater to a client’s demands, conjuring imaginative ways to transform broccoli into enchanting miniature trees has the magical ability to convert a fussy eater into an enthusiastic veggie crusader.

The Power of Timing:

Timing reigns supreme — whether it’s nailing the closure of a business deal at the opportune moment or orchestrating a toddler’s nap schedule like a seasoned conductor. Attempting negotiation during a meltdown or right after a hearty lunch might not yield the desired outcomes in either scenario.

Win-Win Outcome:

Both arenas champion the coveted win-win scenario. Bestowing a child with a sense of agency in picking bedtime stories can be as gratifying as clinching an advantageous deal for your corporate clientele.

Patience and Persistence:

The virtues of boundless patience and relentless persistence seamlessly thread through both the realm of intricate business negotiations and the nuanced choreography of handling kids. Consistency remains the cornerstone, whether you’re chasing quarterly sales targets or embarking on the potty-training odyssey.


The art of negotiation, a universe brimming with strategy, empathy, and adaptability, transcends boundaries — be it orchestrating multimillion-dollar contracts or navigating the whims of a pint-sized human. While the stakes might differ, the tactics employed share an uncanny resemblance.

So, the next time you’re sealing a contract set to revolutionise the game, keep in mind that the art of negotiation extends far beyond the conference table. And remember, you might not need to persuade your client to munch on peas, but the artistry of negotiation remains the star of the show!

How to Build a High-Performing Sales Team by Applying Sports Principles

Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash

Ever seen the team you support win a championship? The adrenaline pumping, the sheer determination, and the exhilarating victory. Now, what if you could take the winning strategies from the world of sports and apply them to building a high-performing sales team? The good news is, you can.

I was amazed how many of the principles I studied many years ago in Sports Psychology have applied to thew world of sales and business. Just like in sports, where a team’s success relies on the collaboration, skill, and strategy of its players, a sales team’s performance hinges on similar principles.

So, strap in and get ready to discover how the power of sports can help you assemble and elevate your sales dream team.

Scouting Talent: The Drafting Process

Every sports team knows that success starts with selecting the right players. Similarly, when building your sales dream team, it’s crucial to scout for individuals with the right skills, mindset, and drive. Look for candidates who demonstrate determination, resilience, and a competitive spirit. Just like star athletes, great salespeople thrive under pressure and constantly strive to improve. By assembling a team of talented individuals, you’re setting the stage for sales success.

“The only way to prove you are a good sport is to lose.” — Ernie Banks

Training and Skill Development: Practice Makes Perfect

Sports teams understand the importance of practice in honing skills and improving performance. The same principle applies to sales teams. Provide your team with comprehensive training programs that equip them with the necessary tools and knowledge. Encourage continuous learning and skill development to ensure your team stays ahead of the competition.

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” — Michael Phelps

Teamwork and Collaboration: One for All, All for One

Just like sports teams, a high-performing sales team must foster a culture of unity and shared goals. Encourage open communication, mutual support, and a sense of camaraderie among team members. When individuals work together towards a common objective, they can achieve remarkable results.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” — Michael Jordan

Strategy and Game Plans: Winning Formulas

Sports teams thrive on well-defined strategies and game plans to outwit their opponents. In the realm of sales, a strong and adaptable strategy is crucial. Analyse market trends, understand customer needs, and devise a sales strategy that aligns with your company’s goals. Just like the Seattle Seahawks, who became renowned for their innovative play-calling, encourage your team to think outside the box and adapt their tactics as necessary to stay ahead in the sales game.

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” — Tommy Lasorda

Performance Evaluation: The Scoreboard of Success

In sports, teams rely on statistics and performance metrics to assess their progress and identify areas for improvement. Similarly, your sales team needs a robust performance evaluation system. Establish clear performance metrics, set achievable goals, and provide regular feedback to help your team members grow and excel.

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” — John Wooden

Motivation and Recognition: Celebrating Victories

In sports, athletes thrive on recognition and celebration of their achievements. The same holds true for your sales team. Motivate your team by acknowledging their successes, offering incentives, and creating a supportive environment. Celebrate milestones, both big and small, and foster a culture of positivity and enthusiasm. Remember, a motivated and appreciated team will go above and beyond to achieve greatness.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” — Wayne Gretzky

Resilience and Adaptability: Bouncing Back from Defeats

Sports teams face defeats and setbacks, and the true champions are the ones who bounce back stronger. Sales can be a challenging journey, and your team will encounter obstacles along the way. Teach them the value of resilience, the ability to learn from failures, and the importance of adapting strategies to overcome obstacles. Just like athletes who rise from defeat to claim victory, your sales team can learn from every setback and come back stronger than ever.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” — Vince Lombardi


In the dynamic world of sales, where competition is fierce and targets are ever-evolving, leveraging the power of sports can give your team the winning edge. So, start implementing these game-changing strategies and witness the transformation of your sales dream team. Remember, as legendary coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while; you don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit.” Embrace the winning habits from the world of sports and create a high-performing sales team that consistently achieves success.

Here are some additional tips for building a high-performing sales team using sports principles:

  • Create a culture of competition. Just like sports teams, sales teams need to have a competitive edge. This can be achieved by setting challenging goals, providing regular feedback, and rewarding top performers.
  • Emphasise teamwork. Sales is a team sport, and individual success is not possible without the support of others. Encourage team members to collaborate, share ideas, and help each other out.
  • Provide training and development. Just like athletes, salespeople need to constantly learn and improve their skills. Offer training programs that cover a variety of topics, such as product knowledge, sales techniques, and customer relationship management (CRM).
  • Celebrate successes. Just like sports teams, sales teams need to celebrate their wins. This will help to motivate and encourage team members to continue working hard.
  • Learn from failures. No team is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from failures and use them as an opportunity to improve.

By following these tips, you can build a high-performing sales team that uses the power of sports to achieve its goals.


  1. www.dobbins.afrc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/170688/results/
  2. books.google.com/books?id=qPLenka2ShsC

Unleashing the Power of Upserve: Elevating Sales with a Focus on Value, Empowered by Generative AI


In the rapidly evolving sales landscape, the combination of Upserve and generative AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we sell and serve customers. By leveraging data-driven insights and personalised recommendations, sales professionals can deliver exceptional value and build stronger customer relationships. In this article, we will explore the theoretical benefits of Upserve and generative AI in sales, supported by insights from thought leaders in the industry. Let’s dive into the transformative power of this approach.

Defining Upserve:

Upserve is a customer-centric sales approach that prioritises providing exceptional value and personalised solutions to customers. Unlike traditional upselling, which focuses on increasing transaction value, Upserve places greater emphasis on building long-term relationships, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering loyalty. The term “Upserve” emerged as a play on the words “up” and “serve,” reflecting the idea of elevating the sales experience by serving customers with the utmost care and attention.

Origins of Upserve:

While the exact origin of the term “Upserve” may not be attributed to a specific individual or source, the concept aligns with the shifting sales paradigms emphasising customer-centricity and value creation. With the evolving customer expectations and the rise of relationship-based selling, sales professionals began recognising the need to move beyond transactional approaches and focus on serving customers holistically. Upserve encapsulates this shift in mindset and emphasises the importance of personalised solutions and exceptional customer experiences.

According to a study conducted by Gartner, by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will occur through digital channels alone. Additionally, Salesforce reports that 64% of customers expect personalised engagement based on their past interactions. These statistics highlight the growing importance of personalised sales approaches and the potential for generative AI to enhance the customer experience.

Personalised Recommendations and Insights:

Thought leader Daniel Pink emphasises the significance of personalisation in sales, stating, “To sell well is to convince someone else to part with resources-not to deprive that person, but to leave him better off in the end.” Generative AI algorithms have the ability to analyse vast amounts of customer data, enabling sales teams to provide tailored recommendations that cater to specific needs and preferences. By leveraging these insights, sales professionals can position themselves as trusted advisors, delivering solutions that leave customers better off.

Enhanced Customer Engagement and Retention:

According to McKinsey & Company, companies that prioritise customer experience outperform their competitors by 60%. Generative AI empowers sales teams to engage customers more effectively by leveraging real-time data and predictive analytics. By anticipating customer needs and proactively offering relevant solutions, sales professionals can enhance customer engagement and increase retention. This aligns with the principles outlined by Jeb Blount, author of “Fanatical Prospecting,” who highlights the importance of nurturing long-term customer relationships.

Predictive Analytics for Sales Performance Optimisation:

Author and sales expert Jill Konrath stresses the significance of leveraging data for sales performance optimisation, stating, “Smart selling is all about finding the right information faster than your competition, understanding it, and using it to make sound decisions.” Generative AI enables sales teams to analyse historical data, identify patterns, and predict future buying behaviours. By leveraging these predictive analytics, sales professionals can tailor their strategies, identify upselling opportunities, and optimise their overall sales performance.

Intelligent Sales Assistants:

The concept of intelligent sales assistants is championed by renowned author and sales strategist Anthony Iannarino. Intelligent sales assistants, powered by generative AI, can provide real-time guidance, suggest relevant talking points, and analyse customer sentiment during sales interactions. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, these assistants empower sales professionals to engage in more meaningful conversations and deliver value-driven solutions.


The combination of Upserve and generative AI holds immense potential to transform the sales landscape. By harnessing the power of personalised recommendations, enhanced customer engagement, predictive analytics, and intelligent sales assistants, sales professionals can elevate their sales approach and deliver exceptional value. As thought leaders like Daniel Pink, Jeb Blount, Jill Konrath, and Anthony Iannarino suggest, embracing the principles of Upserve and leveraging generative AI can unlock new heights of success in sales. Prepare to reimagine the way you sell and serve customers, and seize the opportunities presented by this transformative approach.

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